Friday, March 24, 2017

A Beautiful world is what we choose to see.....

It was one of those unplanned conversations. Beauty.

Who gets to decide who is beautiful? How is beauty defined?

Is it solely based on one's physical attributes?  If so, does that make one shallow?

Is it solely based on one's personality? If so, does appearance matter at all?

Do your parents/guardians have any influence on whom you believe to be beautiful?

So many factors to consider.

We didn't really come up with an answer we all agreed on but we did realize two things, we all have a type and it is mostly based on personality.

One said that they were surprised that they dated a certain person. They had just started talking and hit it off.

So the question was asked, "Is it the spark/chemistry that brings you together and the looks just get you to meet?"

One said they met their wife by accident. She fell right in front of him, he helped her up and that was that. She is beautiful to him. Married with many kids 10 years and still going strong.

One said that their men had to have beards or they didn't find them to be attractive at all.

One said beauty wasn't a factor at all. What mattered was if they were nice.

One stated, "that I am not the ugliest nor the most beautiful although, what I have to offer more than makes up for my looks. Yet, I find a person's eyes to attract me to them first."

We all decided that it is personal and specific to each person. As it should be.  We should not be concerned of what others think and be open to everyone we meet.

Personally, I tend to be drawn to a certain, "type" but ultimately, to me, what makes a person beautiful, is how they treat others.

I know my little corner of the world is filled with beautiful people. 

After all, it has been set by my standards, and that is what matters to me.

How do you define beauty?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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