Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How far will you go?

"You have to find your way in this life
or the way of this life
will find you."

I saw the movie Moana the other night. I have also seen Brave, Tangled, The Bee Movie, Toy Story (all 3 of them) Zootopia, and countless other animated movies geared for Kids and Kids of all ages.

They all have a common theme. A theme that speaks of life and how we need not to be afraid of what our life has in store for us. How that we are not who we are meant to be until we overcome any and all obstacles. Mostly the obstacles are created by ourselves.

Oh it is easy to forget the reasons for our own unhappiness is indeed our fault to begin with. We allow our fears to become reasons for not being all we can be in life.

"I couldn't possibly start a new career at this age."

"There is never enough time for me."

"I don't like to fly."

"I don't think I could do that."

"Too much has happened."

The sad thing is, we believe the reasons we cannot go for what we truly want in life, because we can't except the fact the we changed or are afraid of the unknown.

We become comfortable in the life we do make for ourselves. At the time we made our choices, we did not truly listen or they were the choices we made at the time because they were right at that time.

If you are lacking something, know you are just going through the motions, then there is something your not doing. Why?

For every reason you can think of, life will continue to show you that there are many more reasons why you should go for it.

The bravest person I know, is the person who followed their passion in life. Doors always open and things fall into place when you start to listen to that voice.

You will continue to struggle within yourself until you do what you are meant to do. What calls you or what you are drawn to, will never stop.

Life has a way of showing us what we need to change to make it happen.

I heard two really good pieces of advice:

"Life can save even the darkest souls. &

Only you control the outcome of your fate."

Your Welcome.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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