Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The true meaning of 42......

Anything you want it to be?

Some us could think of a few reasons why our life can't just be anything we want it to be.

A simple statement can be so daunting for some us.

Sophie can think of the best reason for her life not being, "Anything she wants it to be."

Sophie changed after her relationship ended with Liam. You know the story, boy meets girl, they fall in love, but instead of happily ever after, there was no "after" for her.  The after she got was filled with pain from heartbreak, doubt of herself, and fear of what she knew to be true was in fact wrong for her. Leaving her with not knowing who or what to believe.

Time moved on, she healed, or so she thought until she met another man, Ethan. Ethan had expressed that he wanted to be more than friends with Sophie. He was standing there pouring out his heart to her and all she could do was stand there, saying not what her heart wanted to, but rather held back the words her heart needed to say. In that moment, Sophie realized that she was not healed.  Sophie's Anything she wants it to be, will have to wait yet again. 

We can all relate. Doesn't have to be love.  It can be anything that changed us, hurt us, challenged us in how well we know the real us. We can allow life to make us forget who we are.

Life has experiences that we all need to shape us. Sometimes what we believed about ourselves is real and true.  We only have doubt when something happens to us and we didn't expect the outcome.  Just maybe, they happen to us, to make us stronger in our convictions or beliefs.  They happen to show us what our weakness' are or an area we need to grow in.  They show us what we believed to be true for us, was in fact not really meant for us.

Do not live in the past experiences that brought you pain, rather use your past experiences to allow yourself to grow into your Life of....

 Anything you want it to be!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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