Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Premise: Seinfeld episode about Jerry learning how to express his feelings, Frank starting a home based computer sales business, Kramer putting a screen door on his (indoor) apartment door, everyone screaming the words, "Serenity Now" and you have quite the 30 minute comedy!!!

What about real life? Can it be that easy? Just shout out the words Serenity Now!! And poof all of our stress is gone!

There are going to be times that we do not like ourselves or others.

Times we do not like our jobs or careers.

Times we do not like our homes or the state we live in.

Times we choose to listen to the haters and ignore the believers.

Times when we just feel off our game for no reason.

A reason that we care not to discuss with anyone.

Leaving us to become Ms./Mr. Cranky Pants and Snarky.

We can't blame it on anyone or anything but ourselves.

We can hope it is just a phase or a cranky moment.

We could try the "Serenity Now" bit.

Maybe it will make us laugh long enough, at ourselves, to admit that we are just being Ms./Mr. Cranky Pants and lighten our mood.

So I challenge you to scream out, "Serenity Now" the next time your in a foul mood.

I bet you will laugh or at least have a snarky smirk on your face.

Your Welcome šŸ˜

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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