Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Stop with the comments already.........

"5 yr old child dies at an Atlanta restaurant."

There was this horrific accident, involving a child, at a rotating restaurant in Atlanta, on 4/14/17. The child died from his injuries.

I am not sure why when there is a tragic accident involving kids, some people feel the need to just blame the whole thing on the parents/guardians.  Getting up on their high horse and cast their judgments.  Giving the holier than thou opinion, as if they know what really happened.

I am a mother of four kids. I get how kids can be. How sometimes I wished for octopus limbs when they were young. No matter how good of a parent you are, kids will always be kids.

There were multiple comments on Facebook blaming the parents. I might be old, but manners and kindness do not have an age limit. I am not sure why people think that casting their opinion would even matter?

How do you know what happened if you were not there? Why assume that the child was not watched properly? What if they were looking at the menu? What if they were paying the bill? What if they were getting up to leave? What if he wanted to look out the window and the parents watched him walk over to the window and then see the horrific accident unfold right before their eyes?

One of my kids has Scoliosis. They were 8 when the doctor discovered it and it was at a severe curve. A few people would ask how I didn't catch it earlier? How could I not discover it when it first started? I got the implication they were giving me. I would just say nothing in response out of fear of allowing my guilt to be seen.

You see it doesn't matter that I never saw my child, at 8 years old, naked. It doesn't matter that when I hugged my child, I would hug them around their waist. It doesn't matter that what was going on inside their body was much worse than what was showing on the outside. But hey, thanks for blaming me anyways. Some still wonder, while I have become a recluse....

Parents put an immense amount of self blame, doubt, and guilt on themselves already. Regardless if it is justified or not. They do not need your condescending pointing finger bullshit comments.

When Baby Jessica fell down a well,(1987) at 18 months old, for 58 hours, I remember people praying and being positive. The majority was accepting of the fact that accidents just happened, even bad ones. Negative thoughts were not spoken out loud. Unlike, today.

Perhaps, one should go by the old saying:

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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