Saturday, August 13, 2016

Do you truly see what I see??

What do you see when you look at the picture? 3 or 4? Which is it?

If you see 4 and I see 3, who is right and who is wrong? Are we both right or both wrong?

Who is to say what opinion or perspective is the right one? We are all allowed to have our own opinions and perspectives, agreed?

Our perspectives and opinions make us unique, lovable and who we are. It can be charming, quirky and cute just as much as it can be challenging and frustrating.

We can get so caught up in who is right, that we don't see the damage being done. Both feel they're right but do we really listen to the why? Are we so set in having it be our way that we can't see what this has done to the other person?

We need to remember when claiming how it should be or defending our opinions and perspectives that we don't lose the person of value to us in the process.

When we refuse to stop and truly listen. When we would rather make our point to clear our own conscience. When we forget that it is NOT just about ourselves, then we have already lost.

And to me, at that point, what difference does it make if I see 4 and you see 3?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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