Sunday, August 21, 2016

Yeah, we all have a Darkside and some of us own it......

We all have a past, a present and a future. Some us have a past with moments that we want to forget. Dark little secrets if you will. Things we would not readily tell just anyone or that we are embarrassed to repeat out loud. Certain actions may bring out certain reactions. There are times when we are lost and just do things in that moment that we would not do in our present moment. We also could do something today that we wouldn't of done in the past. No one can predict what we will do tomorrow, so the future is wide open....

As best as we try, others may find out and repeat what we have done. An opinion is formed. A reputation can be made. I do not know anyone who can repeat a tale word for word. Translations and impressions can get askewed or it is a similar version of what had happened, it is still out for all to know and judge. You know they will. It is what it is. (just had too lol) 

Here's the thing though, without a past we can't be in the present and that is what will shape our future selves. Good and Bad. All of what we do we own. We all should be that way. 

Does that mean we are known today based on our past or even our present actions? Absolutely not. Some may think so, but they don't. We don't really know one another 100 percent all of the time. We are always changing, growing and reacting to what life brings us.

We shouldn't want to change anything we did in our past or present that has made us who we are today and will be tomorrow. 

Why would we? 

So, embrace your darkside, past, present and future self and if anyone says, "Because I know you......"

Your answer should be.....

Until next time,
~It is what it is~ 

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