Thursday, August 18, 2016

Bee Bopping along....

Bee Bopping along with life, happy and content but there's something off? Not quite sure of yourself so you just continue on..Bee Bopping along...... life is good....or is it?

Something is off. You ignore it and continue on. Your basically happy until it surfaces again. This is when you second guess yourself and question those around you. A restlessness maybe. A need for a change. So you comply. Move. Change careers. Change partners. Meet new people. Yes this is it. I'm Bee Bopping along again....Life is good....but...

Somethings off again. That feeling comes back. Here we go again. And it will keep on popping up until you deal with the real issue.  Yes, you know exactly what I mean. Time to get deep and personal. Doesn't have to be something dark n secretive. Could just be your not doing what you are meant to do with your life. Are you doing what your passionate about? Stuck in the same routine? Haven't found the "one" yet? All these things will be in the background nagging you until you are doing what your meant to do or with the "one" your meant to be with.  On some level you know this to be true. Time to stop. Examine. Be honest with yourself and do something about it.

What if it is something deeper? What if you keep trying to avoid what your not willing to face? How many times can you possibly keep putting it off? I suppose forever. Really. You can keep doing what your doing and change every couple of years or you could say it's time to deal with it.

Situations appear giving you the opportunity to face it or continue to ignore it. They will not go away until you make peace with it. Words can be said again and again. Therefore it bares repeating. A message has no meaning until you hear it.

Until then you will feel like you are,

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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