Monday, August 29, 2016

Memories last a lifetime....

I was out running an errand earlier this evening, I ran into someone I haven't see in forever ago. We started reminiscing and had a few good laughs. We worked together for a little while and we had a few comical mishap moments!!

I have a wicked long memory. Curse or blessing, I am stuck with it.  It's not like I walk around with all these thoughts on my brain constantly. I will see something and that will trigger a memory for me.

I remind the kids from time to time about the things they have done when they were younger. Places we have lived. Times that we have shared and the people we have shared them with. Our sometimes crazy adventures. Not they would ever forget the canoe trip during the thunderstorm , the hike to three waterfalls or our failed attempt at "Cake by the Ocean" anytime soon.

One of my sister's jokes about how handy it will be when we are old and senile. At least we will have some stories to pass the time with.

Running into an old acquaintance this evening made me think about how important memories really are.  We need to remember that while we are making a life for ourselves and our families, we need to make sure we are continually taking the time to make memories.

As we grow old and people come n go, materials things hold less value and it is our memories that will hold the most value.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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