Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Calculating the mass of the sun....is it necessary????

It's that time of year to remember what day it is, who needs to be where and when, the monthly check sent to school to ensure your child is able to eat, and the homework.

Having one child in each school this year means there will be Homework, frustration and the inevitable thought, by me, that it wasn't this hard or ridiculous when I was a kid.

When I saw this picture, I could relate, seriously!! I remember my daughter having a similar math problem.  The difference is that her homework had asked what the distance to the sun was at the end.

It was just different than what it is today. I know that this makes me old. As I dropped off my youngest child, who was a bit nervous but mainly excited, she clearly made it known that I was not to offer to walk her into school. The comment was, "A Parent walking a 5th grader into school would just be SO EMBARRASSING".  Message received my dear and I was just commenting on how cute the little kids were as they walked in with their parents, I do know better to make the offer, but thanks for making how you feel about me known.

It made me laugh on the inside. We start out needing our parents to survive. As kids we adore them. Then the tween years hit.  They start realizing that they do not need us so much. The teen years, well I have survived one, and now dealing with two, and it doesn't get any easier. I have dubbed them "The Retoddler Years"

I look at raising kids as a job. A job I take very seriously. The goal is to  raise independent, morally and ethically sound adults. Not as easy as one would think. I do the best that I can and hope it is enough.

Life is different than when I was a kid. And before you think, here we go another old person (while you roll your eyes) think about when you were 20 years or so younger.  Things are much different now.

I'm just saying that 2+2 equaled 4 and nothing else was needed. We were still able to invent and continue growing as a society and as very productive human beings.

Can you honestly remember the last time something was invented that helped society after  the computer was invented? We have only been improving upon an invention that has been already been invented once. I'm not sure if we keep improving it will make our lives truly any better.

To the younger generation that don't get the older generation, think about that and the true fact that making one's life easier isn't always better.

Oh and to my kids, I will always strive to guide you to grow to be the best that you guys can be, even if I don't know the answers to the questions that really don't matter and embarrass you from time to time.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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