Friday, August 26, 2016

Who does your appraisal?

Someone thinks that you are not good enough for them or worthy of their time. The job you wanted, didn't want you. The team you tried out for, umm yeah, you didn't make the cut. Heck yes!!!! TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU!!!

No, I haven't lost my mind, you read that right.

So, who said that the person that has rejected you, decides what is best for you? Who said that the job you wanted so badly was right for you? 

Who said that their opinion of you, makes you who you are? 

Who said that they were good enough for you?! 

I comforted a friend as she struggled through a breakup. I encouraged another friend to believe in herself, when she was rejected for a position she believed was great for her. I rolled my eyes, as another friend, posted yet another million selfies this week in attempts of validating her own self-worth. 

I want you to read this slowly:


Stop rejecting yourself!! You have the right to try out for anything. You have the right to fall in love with anyone. You have that right because you are worthy. Yes. You. Are. Just because you do not get what you want or someone does not return your love, 


You should be thanking them for saving you from making a huge mistake. Doors close for a reason. Not because you are not worth it. Someone rejecting your love has nothing to do with your value, ever!!!! 

Stop giving them the power over your value. 

Some people can't see the diamond in the rough or the true value of a moment until it is gone. 

Is that who you really want appraising you???

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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