Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I'm sorry....yeah no I am not.....

Have you given an answer that as soon as it came out of your mouth you're like, ummm yeah that was a bit much, my bad?

Why are you apologizing for being real? Are you sorry for what you said? Did you apologize because the person could not handle your truth?

Stop doing that immediately. Seriously. I only apologize for the way it comes out. Sometimes it comes out a bit harsher than I wanted it to or not with the sincerity it needed to be said with. That is the only time I need to apologize for being honest.

I am no good with sugarcoating anything. I just do not see the point in playing a game. I gave an honest answer. I see no need in giving an apology for being real.

Why do we shy away from the truth? When did we become so sensitive that we can't handle the truth? Why do we feel a lie, no matter how small, would be better than the truth? I respect someone who is honest from the get go, even when it is something I do not want to hear. I don't play games well.  I'm tired of people being afraid of the truth. Aren't you?

The truth always comes out at some point. So why not just start with the truth to begin with?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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