Friday, August 5, 2016

I am giving myself a time out....

I am reposting this because it seemed fitting for the moment. I have definitely been burning the candle at both ends for quite awhile now. When I log on the blogger page, a million things come to mind to write about and none of it feels genuine. 

In keeping with being real with all of you, I need a break from everything and everyone. In order to keep the posts real, I need to be in a clear open place, where the words can form true and freely. I am just not there right now.  Giving myself a "Time Out" for a bit. Until I return, I will sporadically repost blogs from this past year. 

Thank you and I will continue to post on my fb page.

We all have them. Days that run into each other. Things go wrong. Lack of sleep. Time runs out and things do not get accomplished or pushed to the next day. 

Attitudes and words are exchanged. Purposely or in the heat of the moment. Some words are not spoken. Realism at it's finest. 

Moments of happiness sprinkled in here and there. Definite snarkiness and laughter was shared.

That's the thing with life. We all have good days, weeks and bad days and bad weeks. They all come to an end. They don't last. 

Things are ever changing and evolving. What is going on today will be gone soon enough. Whether we want it to be or not.

Life can be complicated. It can be simple. Fun. Joyous. Craptastic. Horrible. Light. Heavy and 1000 other words that you can think of.

In the end, it is your life. You get to decide what is important and what isn't. Life will be good and it will have those bad moments sprinkled in.

The cool thing about being an adult is we get to decide when to shut the world off, even if it is only for a little while to recharge our batteries.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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