Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Are you scared yet?.......

The definition of the word Character, copied from Dictionary.com, is as follows:

the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.
one such feature or trait; characteristic.
moral or ethical quality:
a man of fine, honorable character.
qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity:
It takes character to face up to a bully.
a stain on one's character.
good repute.

We are humans living in a world that is filled with a mystique within itself. A universe that all question how it came to be. There are many answers that are substantial and of much value. Spirituality. God. Buddha. Scientific. Etc. Some will say that we just came to be. It is a volatile topic to discuss. I am not trying to debate what you believe in or whom, I am talking about how we all have ways we can be defined by. One's character is a trait that comes with a price. The price determines your value here on earth and if you believe, has much more value in the Spiritual aspect of life as well.

Have you ever admired a person's character?

Did you gain from them using their character to defend you?

Did you not enjoy them standing up for you?

Were you not proud of them for doing it so freely?

Then why are you so surprised that they have turned on you?

Why did you think that they would not stand for themselves with the same honor that they did so freely for you?

In a world that seems to run with less realism and more fabrication to exist. Why then, are we blown away when one doesn't conform to what we want?

Why is it when we show our character, we are challenged to keep it?

Do you not know? Do you hope they would throw their character aside in favour of your desire to rule them?

Was that your goal? To have them be like you so you could continue to justify your character?

If we are to have any belief in a world having any kind of reputable character, than we need to start believing in the word character and what it truly means to have one in a positive force.

That is the real problem is it not? How does one stay true to who they are within this worldly view?

People can admire your character but how many people accept it when it goes against theirs?

Think about your character and the character of your circle, then look in the mirror....are you scared yet?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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