Friday, June 17, 2016

Are you Willing?

I stumbled across this quote today by, Joseph Campbell.

How often do we think we have our lives figured out or planned to the T and then life has other plans for us. It can be daunting and very frustrating.

The simple response to life would be just to go with it when things change. For some of us, it's easier said then done.

We like to be in control of our lives for many reasons. But we need to ask ourselves if those reasons are valid enough to stop us from living our lives. We need to be sure the reasons we do not want to change our path is not from our personality, insecurity, fear, holding on to what we know, or stubbornness.

We may have a controlling personality. Did you ever ask yourself why that is? Maybe you know the answer already. Most times it's because we have had our life thrown into unexpected chaos. Could be that we grew up having to control our own circumstances because everything and everyone around us was out of control. We were the calm that everyone else needed. So we learned to control our circumstances around us. How can we learn to let go and let life be what it is, if we only know one way to live?

We tend get complacent with life. We feel that we are content. What if we are capable of so much more? Is holding on to the life we know worth missing out on what life could be for us?

Stubbornness is really our inability to see things from another perspective. We may feel that we know what's best and that is that. How can we possibly know what is best for us if we are not willing to at least try to view life from another perspective?

Fears have the right to stop us. If you feel that the reason for your fear is valid. Depending on what the fear is. But is it worth allowing the fear to stop us from living?

Our personality, stubbornness, holding on and fear IS what's stopping us from living our lives to the fullest. Our reasons are just excuses we tell ourselves. Time does heal all wounds but its also makes us smarter when we are completely healed. Smart enough to see things for how they really were and definitely smart enough not to make the same mistakes that derailed us in the first place.

We need to accept the fact that life does change our path and unless we are willing to leave the path we were on, go, we will never know what life has in store for us. We maybe missing out on the best version of us if we don't let it all go and let life take us in a new direction, reacquaint us with the things we need or give us the life we truly deserve.

I ask you, are you willing to let life be, wherever it takes you?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~ 

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