Monday, June 13, 2016

What is a Soulmate to you?

Soulmate~A person with whom you have a strong affinity.

Affinity~A natural liking for or attraction to person, etc.

Attraction~A person or thing that draws, allures, entices.

Allure~To fascinate: charm.

Fascinate~To attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm, or unusual nature.

I find that the definition of the soulmate does not say, "with whom you love like no other, rather it does say, "affinity".  Soulmate doesn't mention love. Affinity, attraction, allure, and fascinate do not either. I decided to look up the word Love and see what it really means.

Love~A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

Okay. Let's try passion then.

Passion~Any powerful or compelling emotion, as love or hate.

hmmm....Passion as in love or hate. Does this mean that true loves passion is to bring out every emotion in us? Maybe to the point of bringing us to the verge of hating the same person we love? Not hating exactly, more like this soulmate of ours will make us feel everything that we have to feel with a passion we never knew we had inside us. Good or Bad.

Everyone wants to believe that we will end up with our soulmate. We want the perfect relationship for us and we want it to last forever. Peaches n Cream. Romance. Fun. Adventures. Passion. Laughter. Perfection.

Is that enough to make it last forever? Can it be that easy? I don't know about you but, nothing in life worth having is easy. How about those Roses n Thorns? Don't we want it all in a partner? Our perfect match. I think that it means our soulmate brings us the perfect mix of peaches, roses, cream, and yes, thorns.

What does all this mean? It means that you are with someone who loves you unconditionally and for all that you are. There is an unexplained draw between the two of you. Not for completeness in each other but a feeling of emptiness without each other.

The person who doesn't agree with all of your decisions. They challenge all of your decisions. They make you question things.  They give you a new perspective. They give you truth when no one else will. They will make you take stock of your life. They will push your buttons, and sometimes will do it willingly. Regardless how annoying it may be. They may even take a little joy in that.

They support who you are. What you do. They inspire you to be all that you can be. They give you strength. They do not ask you to change who you are. They do not ask you to put aside things for them. They do the dishes when you are too tired. They do not keep a score card. Things are done with love and an ease. Never to be used against you.

They allow you to uncover all of your dark edges and hold them tenderly with you. They see you. They love you for it all. Dark edges, brilliant mind, giving heart, and the peace you hold inside that they give you. Size, shape, color, age and how your soul is packaged, is of no concern to them.

A soulmate's concern is of you. Doing the best for you and them. Having your back. Patience. Understanding.

Some believe that they are our match that was made before we even existed. They come into our lives as they if were fated to be there.

Does that mean they will be our significant other for the rest of our lives? Hopefully, but not all the time. We often do not see what is presented in front of us.  Even when it is smacking us in the face. We are too distracted at the moment, too scared of it or maybe they were to show us what could be if we dared.

Some believe we have many or they come as our dearest best friend, whom we could not do without.

One that, if your lucky enough, will be with you doing all of the above until you take your last breath. And that, to me, would be the true definition of a Soulmate.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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