Friday, June 24, 2016

There will be a Rainbow...

Storms do not care if you are strong, weak, or already have too much on your plate. They will be unpredictable and sometimes fierce.

It is difficult to see past the storm we are in.  The storm can be so relentless that we may even feel like just giving into it by allowing it to consume us. 

We often make the storm worse by not remembering what anchors us. We forget that we do have our circle. People who are willing to lend support. Praying to what we believe in. A place to go, to let it all go. An activity that will release the pressure we are feeling. 

We need to do these things, so we can face the storm with a renewed strength when it seems unbearable. We can become so caught up in the storm itself, we do not remember that the storm is a temporary thing and will eventually end.

Storms will come and go but how we handle them, will determine when we see the rainbow.

Until then, do what you need to do to survive it. 

The rainbow always comes out at the end of the storm. Showing us that it is in fact over and you did survive it. 

Survive it you will, never doubt that.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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