Saturday, June 4, 2016

Please, save a seat for me....

You can see someones behavior, result of their behavior and everyone around you is like, what are you talking about? 

So you just stop talking.

Someone doesn't do their fair share of the workload. Your the go to person. Or the one who gets dumped on to finish the load. You got a problem with that?

So you stop complaining and just get it done.

Certain "rules" only apply to you. What? It's the way your looking at it.

So you just deal with it.

Your treated one way and then all of a sudden, it changes and your the problem, not them. Why? What are you saying? I don't agree.

So you walk away not knowing how you got involved with them in the first place.

You suddenly realize that there are certain people who do not care as much as they say they do about you. You become aware that they are just using you. No, it's not like that at all.

So you just walk away and they made you feel like the jerk.

Your vehicle needs major repairs and you just put a deposit on your vacation. 

So you decide to cut your vacation short.

Just had your carpets cleaned. Not even a week and there is a new stain.

Ugh, Ugh, Ugh.

You know what? That is the reality of life. There are times when everything seems to be going wrong. You just want to sit in the dark and be left alone with your thoughts.  Nobody sees what you see or gets it like you do.  You feel left alone in the dark and that is just fine with you.

Your not alone. Not by a long shot.

The next time you are overwhelmed or life just isn't going your way.  And you just want to take a time out.  Please save a seat for me. I will be right there with you, sitting in the dark.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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