Saturday, June 25, 2016


Actually people can change for a number of reasons. People can be fake. People will show you a side that they only want you to see.

I think people eventually just show their true colors. There may be subtle flags along the way but your too into the relationship to notice or you can justify the flag and dismiss it.

Sometimes they slowly change. Behaviors become more secretive, personality slowly changes and their interest in you is not what it used to be. They do not need you. Your there for their moment only. What you want doesn't matter to them. Their needs are being met and that is all there is to the relationship.

To try and comfort someone who goes through this really isn't possible. They have to go through it on their own. I told this person that sometimes people just put on an act of not being selfish. Flags were there but people don't change who they are for long. Their personality slips here and there. I think when you love someone unconditionally, you just accept them for who they are. If you believe your needs are being met than you can accept the bad with the good. I think that's why you don't see the bad as being really bad. It is more of a "Nobody's Perfect" kinda deal.

Let's face it, we are all human and each have our own quirks. We all want to find someone who can accept us, fully, unconditionally, quirks n all. So when we start keeping track of the flags and hurts they bring, it is time to accept them for who they are. Very rarely do people change their personality very much. Bringing it to their attention and then their behavior changes only for a time. Tells you it is never going to change. Ever. The decision is up to you. Should allow yourself to continue depends on what you feel you deserve. If your thinking that you deserve better than leave. If you can put up with whateva it is, (to be clear here if you are being abused emotionally or physically run out that door, now!!) Then ask yourself why you are willing to give that up? Is what you are getting really enough to last forever?

Believe you deserve the best love story, because you most certainly do. Regardless what type of relationship it is, everyone deserves to be treated with love n respect. Period. Do not allow them to tell you how you should feel.

Sometimes people need a wake up call and do just that when you point out what's buggin you. Misunderstandings can be a relationship killer for sure. Sometimes people are going through their own thing, independent of you and just didn't realize what an ass they have become. We tend to take things out on the person we love the most sometimes.

And sometimes we can see only what we want to see. When someone no longer loves you the way they did in the beginning, then it wasn't real, Real love withstands all hardships and joys.

Remember, anything worth having, is so worth the effort. Just be sure they are making an effort too.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

***I know. Unbelievable that I came across this. It has to mean something!!***

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