Monday, June 20, 2016

$1.58 is the best money you will ever spend!!!

I had errands to run today. Sometimes I go by myself. When I am tired and I worked a long day (like today) I like to go by myself, it's quicker. Let's face it, I am always tired. I was heading out the door and my daughter asked to go with me. I was like ok, but we have to do this.

She accompanied me. I like all kinds of music but my daughter is a strictly pop kind of girl.  I put the radio station she likes on and off we went. Did what I had to do. She didn't complain. I decided to pull into the QT. She was like what do you need here? I looked at her and said how about an ice cream cone? She smiles and says yes!!

For 2 vanilla ice cream cones the total was $1.58. The time spent with her, priceless!! On the drive home, I started thinking that this month has been a busy month for me and us as a family. School ending for the kids. My teenagers have stuff going on.Work has been hectic and personal stuff chaotic for me.

I spend time with my kids as much as I can. Life just gets so busy sometimes that I forget to actually stop and enjoy it. Don't get me wrong I do things with my kids. We have our adventures. But by taking Kell with me tonight and stopping to get a cone, made me realize that sometimes we all can get caught up with what's in front/around us, that we neglect those moments we need to be having with family and friends that aren't always around us.

It is not that we do not value them, we just get caught up in the here and now, that we forget we need more than the here and now.

We can't always have the attitude that if they had the time, they would call. My number hasn't changed. Or I don't want to bother them, their busy too.

What if they need an interruption to their day? What if your just what they need in that moment?

What if we think they are too busy or we don't want to bother them and they feel the same way?

If we continue to go with that way of thinking, nobody will make the time for each other.

I think we need to take the time to evaluate who is important in our lives. Who do you think you would want to make the time for you? Who do you miss? When was the last time you saw so n so?

We all have wicked busy lives. Why let that stop you from living it with the people that matter to you?

Spontaneity is a wonderful thing. So is planning. $1.58 will get you two ice cream cones.

Why wait for an invitation? Send one. Who would you like to join you?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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