Thursday, June 9, 2016

It might seem crazy what I'm about to say.....

By now, all of you know how much music is a part of my life. I love this song, not cause of the minions,(Although it helps :) ) but its truth. When we are happy nothing can bring us down! Colors seem sharper, the air is fresher, and even our troubles seem so minor!! We feel we can accomplish anything and everything!!

So I need to ask, Are you Happy like that?

I asked myself this question too. I didn't realize how loaded it could be, I mean I really asked myself.

Think about this for a moment. These are the top Happy questions I came up with:

Are you Happy in your career?

Are you Happy with the people in your circle?

Are you Happy when you see others Happy?

Are you Happy where you live?

Are you Happy with the choices you made that have put you where you are in this moment?

Are you Happy emotionally?

Are you Happy financially?

Are you Happy with your life?

I know right? I can certainly change your perspective when listening to a song now, can't I?

The things is, unless we are completely happy, will not be a peace within ourselves until we are 100 percent happy. That means with everything in our life. Yes we can go through the motions and find happiness in some things that we have or do but how long will that last?

Ask yourself are you sabotaging your own happiness? Is fear holding you back? Too many responsibilities keeping you from making a change? Don't think you can? Don't believe there is a difference?

Then think again. When we are not truly happy we miss out on everything life has to offer us. We become drones to life. Following along and just existing.

What ever your reasons are, be sure that they are good enough to stop you from being truly happy.

Take time to really reflect on what is making you unhappy first.

I think it is hard to really be open with yourself and not expect to see some dark edges that we have. We can be ugly at times. It is not perfection that makes us happy though. I have said before that life can be messy.

We need to remember that. Even in complete chaos we can find happiness.

We can do anything and everything when we are Happy.

Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
                      Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
                      Because I'm happy.........

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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