Monday, June 6, 2016

This one's for YOU.

I was given a question that surprised me, by who it came from. It made me think that we really do not know a person until that person decides to share themselves with you.

This is a personal response. I asked this person if it was okay to give my answer here. They agreed. I asked to do this because we just never know what a person is really going through. The strongest person we may know could be slowly dying emotionally inside. The weakest person may be the strongest person someone else has.  Thank you for trusting me and for allowing my answer to be given here.

I saw this and knew that you needed to see it too.

Hope. Believing in yourself is having hope. What do you do when you no longer feel worthy? Self esteem is so complex but simple. Hope should not be dependent on others belief in you. Yes that is what I said. You and only you, should be able to trust yourself enough to know you who are.

Unfortunately, many people feel the need to get approval, from others, in order for them to believe in themselves. Insecurities, is really the issue here. When did you stop believing in yourself? Why did you let the world tell you how to feel about yourself?

Were you rejected on your thoughts? Appearance? Behavior? Rejected just for being you? 

Well get over it!! You are meant to be you. You are meant to be you. You are meant to be you.

Not everyone is meant to get you. I would rather have one friend than 1000 fake ones. 1000 jobs in order to find the right one for me. Live in 1000 places before finding my home. You are the maker of your life. You get to decide what you choose to do. You get to decide that you are worthy!!

When did you give others the power over you?

Nothing FAKE will ever last. Sometimes we go through, what seems like forever, mistake after mistake. That will make you want to give up, That will make you question your worthiness. Patience. Trust in yourself. Have HOPE that you will believe in yourself completely one day.

Believe that the STRENGTH you feel I have, you can obtain. I wasn't born this strong. Life's circumstances made me this strong. There are times when I certainly want to just throw in the towel and give up. Yes you read that right. I do.

BUT I don't. How nice life would be if I could just sit back and let someone else fight my battles for me. Than who would I be? I would not be me. I wouldn't of learned that when life knocks me down, I have the right to fight for my spot. That I have to be the one to fight battles for those in my life that can't. That I have the strength to do it. I can endure a lot before I want to give in.  That I can admit when I am weak and need help. That when I do not get it, I learn just how much stronger I can be. That life is not fair. That I had to make choices or they would have made me into someone else.

That I have accepted who I am in my life. Who I am to my family and friends. That I do not care about those that don't get me or believe in me.  They do not matter. They do not matter. Period.

Even those that I love, do not matter. Ultimately, it is my decision to believe that I am worthy. Period.

It is up to you to believe that you deserve to be in this world. This life. That you have the right to have HOPE. You have the right to believe you are WORTHY. 

YOU have the right because you were given life. Regardless how you came into this world, YOU are worthy. It is that simple.

I never judge. I will always be here for you, regardless. When I say that I love you, I mean it. Period. I can't just unlove someone because they do not feel worthy or have lost hope in themselves. I don't give my love easily, so when I do, know that I never intend to take it back. EVER. Regardless. 

I am here always.

And that,
~It is what it is~

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