Thursday, June 2, 2016

ew, people

Love 'em, hate 'em, like 'em, put up with 'em, find happiness with some, dislike 'em, tolerate 'em, or however else you feel about all of them, we have to deal with all of them.

It can be so overwhelming at times, can't it?

Sometimes their "Good Intentions" can be rather annoying, aren't they?

When they think they are helping and actually, they are making it worse.

Don't even get me started on the fake ones, you will be reading for years, literally. Especially when they think they are being so smooth, but do not realize that they just let something slip about themselves.

Moody people, people who are playa's, selfish people, demanding ones, obnoxious people, toxic people, rude people, controlling people, and your good ole fashion malicious one's.

Sometimes it feels like life is filled with all the wrong people.

It can be hard to find the right people to fill our circle. Sad isn't?

Today's world is too busy bein about themselves that they can't even realize they are mass producing the ew, people  of tomorrow.

I would hope that if you recognize yourself as an ew, person, you will snap out of it immediately.

There is no solution other than to continue to deal with them and stay true to who we are, always.

We should thank all the ew, people in our lives. Past and present included. For we owe them.

We have learned who we do not want to become, ever.

Ew, people.

Until next time,
~it is what it is~

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