Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Let's see how far this road goes....

Testing our limits.

Exploring the world.

Leave all reasoning behind.

Dropping the safety net and soaring as far as we can possibly go.

Doubts need to be left just where they begin.

The only ties that bind us, are our hope and dreams.

Experiencing the new with you.

Winding us together always.

Only if you will allow us to truly be.

This journey was meant for you and me.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Monday, August 29, 2016

Memories last a lifetime....

I was out running an errand earlier this evening, I ran into someone I haven't see in forever ago. We started reminiscing and had a few good laughs. We worked together for a little while and we had a few comical mishap moments!!

I have a wicked long memory. Curse or blessing, I am stuck with it.  It's not like I walk around with all these thoughts on my brain constantly. I will see something and that will trigger a memory for me.

I remind the kids from time to time about the things they have done when they were younger. Places we have lived. Times that we have shared and the people we have shared them with. Our sometimes crazy adventures. Not they would ever forget the canoe trip during the thunderstorm , the hike to three waterfalls or our failed attempt at "Cake by the Ocean" anytime soon.

One of my sister's jokes about how handy it will be when we are old and senile. At least we will have some stories to pass the time with.

Running into an old acquaintance this evening made me think about how important memories really are.  We need to remember that while we are making a life for ourselves and our families, we need to make sure we are continually taking the time to make memories.

As we grow old and people come n go, materials things hold less value and it is our memories that will hold the most value.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Friday, August 26, 2016

Who does your appraisal?

Someone thinks that you are not good enough for them or worthy of their time. The job you wanted, didn't want you. The team you tried out for, umm yeah, you didn't make the cut. Heck yes!!!! TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU!!!

No, I haven't lost my mind, you read that right.

So, who said that the person that has rejected you, decides what is best for you? Who said that the job you wanted so badly was right for you? 

Who said that their opinion of you, makes you who you are? 

Who said that they were good enough for you?! 

I comforted a friend as she struggled through a breakup. I encouraged another friend to believe in herself, when she was rejected for a position she believed was great for her. I rolled my eyes, as another friend, posted yet another million selfies this week in attempts of validating her own self-worth. 

I want you to read this slowly:


Stop rejecting yourself!! You have the right to try out for anything. You have the right to fall in love with anyone. You have that right because you are worthy. Yes. You. Are. Just because you do not get what you want or someone does not return your love, 


You should be thanking them for saving you from making a huge mistake. Doors close for a reason. Not because you are not worth it. Someone rejecting your love has nothing to do with your value, ever!!!! 

Stop giving them the power over your value. 

Some people can't see the diamond in the rough or the true value of a moment until it is gone. 

Is that who you really want appraising you???

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Even Superman has Lois.......

I think that we should have that one person we can show our everything. I'm talking dark side, sappy side, happy side, wild side, and of course the crazy side with. It doesn't have to be one person. It could be people in our circle.

We need to have a place where we can shed our layers and just be, with the knowing that there is unconditional love and acceptance waiting for us.

We do not need approval of our bad or good behavior. I'm not talking about that. That feeling of being everything with the knowledge of security. Being able to say I need help, I don't know what to do, I did this or this seems to mean this to me but I'm not sure, what do you see?

Life, at its best, is still hard. We weren't meant to live it alone.

So why are you?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Yeah, we all have a Darkside and some of us own it......

We all have a past, a present and a future. Some us have a past with moments that we want to forget. Dark little secrets if you will. Things we would not readily tell just anyone or that we are embarrassed to repeat out loud. Certain actions may bring out certain reactions. There are times when we are lost and just do things in that moment that we would not do in our present moment. We also could do something today that we wouldn't of done in the past. No one can predict what we will do tomorrow, so the future is wide open....

As best as we try, others may find out and repeat what we have done. An opinion is formed. A reputation can be made. I do not know anyone who can repeat a tale word for word. Translations and impressions can get askewed or it is a similar version of what had happened, it is still out for all to know and judge. You know they will. It is what it is. (just had too lol) 

Here's the thing though, without a past we can't be in the present and that is what will shape our future selves. Good and Bad. All of what we do we own. We all should be that way. 

Does that mean we are known today based on our past or even our present actions? Absolutely not. Some may think so, but they don't. We don't really know one another 100 percent all of the time. We are always changing, growing and reacting to what life brings us.

We shouldn't want to change anything we did in our past or present that has made us who we are today and will be tomorrow. 

Why would we? 

So, embrace your darkside, past, present and future self and if anyone says, "Because I know you......"

Your answer should be.....

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Bee Bopping along....

Bee Bopping along with life, happy and content but there's something off? Not quite sure of yourself so you just continue on..Bee Bopping along...... life is good....or is it?

Something is off. You ignore it and continue on. Your basically happy until it surfaces again. This is when you second guess yourself and question those around you. A restlessness maybe. A need for a change. So you comply. Move. Change careers. Change partners. Meet new people. Yes this is it. I'm Bee Bopping along again....Life is good....but...

Somethings off again. That feeling comes back. Here we go again. And it will keep on popping up until you deal with the real issue.  Yes, you know exactly what I mean. Time to get deep and personal. Doesn't have to be something dark n secretive. Could just be your not doing what you are meant to do with your life. Are you doing what your passionate about? Stuck in the same routine? Haven't found the "one" yet? All these things will be in the background nagging you until you are doing what your meant to do or with the "one" your meant to be with.  On some level you know this to be true. Time to stop. Examine. Be honest with yourself and do something about it.

What if it is something deeper? What if you keep trying to avoid what your not willing to face? How many times can you possibly keep putting it off? I suppose forever. Really. You can keep doing what your doing and change every couple of years or you could say it's time to deal with it.

Situations appear giving you the opportunity to face it or continue to ignore it. They will not go away until you make peace with it. Words can be said again and again. Therefore it bares repeating. A message has no meaning until you hear it.

Until then you will feel like you are,

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Calculating the mass of the sun....is it necessary????

It's that time of year to remember what day it is, who needs to be where and when, the monthly check sent to school to ensure your child is able to eat, and the homework.

Having one child in each school this year means there will be Homework, frustration and the inevitable thought, by me, that it wasn't this hard or ridiculous when I was a kid.

When I saw this picture, I could relate, seriously!! I remember my daughter having a similar math problem.  The difference is that her homework had asked what the distance to the sun was at the end.

It was just different than what it is today. I know that this makes me old. As I dropped off my youngest child, who was a bit nervous but mainly excited, she clearly made it known that I was not to offer to walk her into school. The comment was, "A Parent walking a 5th grader into school would just be SO EMBARRASSING".  Message received my dear and I was just commenting on how cute the little kids were as they walked in with their parents, I do know better to make the offer, but thanks for making how you feel about me known.

It made me laugh on the inside. We start out needing our parents to survive. As kids we adore them. Then the tween years hit.  They start realizing that they do not need us so much. The teen years, well I have survived one, and now dealing with two, and it doesn't get any easier. I have dubbed them "The Retoddler Years"

I look at raising kids as a job. A job I take very seriously. The goal is to  raise independent, morally and ethically sound adults. Not as easy as one would think. I do the best that I can and hope it is enough.

Life is different than when I was a kid. And before you think, here we go another old person (while you roll your eyes) think about when you were 20 years or so younger.  Things are much different now.

I'm just saying that 2+2 equaled 4 and nothing else was needed. We were still able to invent and continue growing as a society and as very productive human beings.

Can you honestly remember the last time something was invented that helped society after  the computer was invented? We have only been improving upon an invention that has been already been invented once. I'm not sure if we keep improving it will make our lives truly any better.

To the younger generation that don't get the older generation, think about that and the true fact that making one's life easier isn't always better.

Oh and to my kids, I will always strive to guide you to grow to be the best that you guys can be, even if I don't know the answers to the questions that really don't matter and embarrass you from time to time.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Do you truly see what I see??

What do you see when you look at the picture? 3 or 4? Which is it?

If you see 4 and I see 3, who is right and who is wrong? Are we both right or both wrong?

Who is to say what opinion or perspective is the right one? We are all allowed to have our own opinions and perspectives, agreed?

Our perspectives and opinions make us unique, lovable and who we are. It can be charming, quirky and cute just as much as it can be challenging and frustrating.

We can get so caught up in who is right, that we don't see the damage being done. Both feel they're right but do we really listen to the why? Are we so set in having it be our way that we can't see what this has done to the other person?

We need to remember when claiming how it should be or defending our opinions and perspectives that we don't lose the person of value to us in the process.

When we refuse to stop and truly listen. When we would rather make our point to clear our own conscience. When we forget that it is NOT just about ourselves, then we have already lost.

And to me, at that point, what difference does it make if I see 4 and you see 3?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, August 12, 2016

Flight #WTF Taking off in yourself turbulence ahead!!!

Life can challenge us sometimes. These challenges are meant to make us stronger, guide us unto a new direction, make us get out of our comfort zones and show us what we need to change about ourselves.

Life teaches us lessons along our journey. As we age we are supposed to become wiser and have most of the answers, if not all. Blah blah I have blogged about this before.

Here's the thing though, when we are going against the wind, how are we supposed to know it? Don't ya just wish sometimes there could be this Huge Red Flag somewhere warning you??

Why can't we just get a warning sign, flashing light or little thought bubbles that pop up and say hey girl, stuff is going to get hairy for the next bit, so just be cool, don't read too much into it and you're gonna like the ending. Oh btw, more stuff is going to happen, at the same time, just to make it that much harder for you to really know what the heck is going down. Have fun, thought bubble out.

Genius right? Thank you but since I don't see this happening anytime soon, I guess we'll just have to deal with it.

I think sometimes we think everyone is against us or it will always be this hard. We can't hold new people in our lives accountable for what other people did to us. We can't assume that we will fail if we are not willing to try. We can't hold on when it is time to let go. We can't let go when it is time to hold on.

Do not be the reason it is so hard to take off against the winds of life. We need to plant our feet strongly on the ground, brace ourselves against the wind and hold on for the takeoff.

When we do finally take off, and we will, it will be the best flight of your life. Guaranteed!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I'm sorry....yeah no I am not.....

Have you given an answer that as soon as it came out of your mouth you're like, ummm yeah that was a bit much, my bad?

Why are you apologizing for being real? Are you sorry for what you said? Did you apologize because the person could not handle your truth?

Stop doing that immediately. Seriously. I only apologize for the way it comes out. Sometimes it comes out a bit harsher than I wanted it to or not with the sincerity it needed to be said with. That is the only time I need to apologize for being honest.

I am no good with sugarcoating anything. I just do not see the point in playing a game. I gave an honest answer. I see no need in giving an apology for being real.

Why do we shy away from the truth? When did we become so sensitive that we can't handle the truth? Why do we feel a lie, no matter how small, would be better than the truth? I respect someone who is honest from the get go, even when it is something I do not want to hear. I don't play games well.  I'm tired of people being afraid of the truth. Aren't you?

The truth always comes out at some point. So why not just start with the truth to begin with?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Are you scared yet?.......

The definition of the word Character, copied from Dictionary.com, is as follows:

the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.
one such feature or trait; characteristic.
moral or ethical quality:
a man of fine, honorable character.
qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity:
It takes character to face up to a bully.
a stain on one's character.
good repute.

We are humans living in a world that is filled with a mystique within itself. A universe that all question how it came to be. There are many answers that are substantial and of much value. Spirituality. God. Buddha. Scientific. Etc. Some will say that we just came to be. It is a volatile topic to discuss. I am not trying to debate what you believe in or whom, I am talking about how we all have ways we can be defined by. One's character is a trait that comes with a price. The price determines your value here on earth and if you believe, has much more value in the Spiritual aspect of life as well.

Have you ever admired a person's character?

Did you gain from them using their character to defend you?

Did you not enjoy them standing up for you?

Were you not proud of them for doing it so freely?

Then why are you so surprised that they have turned on you?

Why did you think that they would not stand for themselves with the same honor that they did so freely for you?

In a world that seems to run with less realism and more fabrication to exist. Why then, are we blown away when one doesn't conform to what we want?

Why is it when we show our character, we are challenged to keep it?

Do you not know? Do you hope they would throw their character aside in favour of your desire to rule them?

Was that your goal? To have them be like you so you could continue to justify your character?

If we are to have any belief in a world having any kind of reputable character, than we need to start believing in the word character and what it truly means to have one in a positive force.

That is the real problem is it not? How does one stay true to who they are within this worldly view?

People can admire your character but how many people accept it when it goes against theirs?

Think about your character and the character of your circle, then look in the mirror....are you scared yet?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, August 5, 2016

I am giving myself a time out....

I am reposting this because it seemed fitting for the moment. I have definitely been burning the candle at both ends for quite awhile now. When I log on the blogger page, a million things come to mind to write about and none of it feels genuine. 

In keeping with being real with all of you, I need a break from everything and everyone. In order to keep the posts real, I need to be in a clear open place, where the words can form true and freely. I am just not there right now.  Giving myself a "Time Out" for a bit. Until I return, I will sporadically repost blogs from this past year. 

Thank you and I will continue to post on my fb page. https://www.facebook.com/Jackiesview

We all have them. Days that run into each other. Things go wrong. Lack of sleep. Time runs out and things do not get accomplished or pushed to the next day. 

Attitudes and words are exchanged. Purposely or in the heat of the moment. Some words are not spoken. Realism at it's finest. 

Moments of happiness sprinkled in here and there. Definite snarkiness and laughter was shared.

That's the thing with life. We all have good days, weeks and bad days and bad weeks. They all come to an end. They don't last. 

Things are ever changing and evolving. What is going on today will be gone soon enough. Whether we want it to be or not.

Life can be complicated. It can be simple. Fun. Joyous. Craptastic. Horrible. Light. Heavy and 1000 other words that you can think of.

In the end, it is your life. You get to decide what is important and what isn't. Life will be good and it will have those bad moments sprinkled in.

The cool thing about being an adult is we get to decide when to shut the world off, even if it is only for a little while to recharge our batteries.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, August 1, 2016

She is a WARRIOR.....


She is strong. She is reliable. She is capable. She is resilient. She is kind. She is compassionate. She is a Warrior. This is Her story.

She looks in the mirror as she gets ready to start her day. She doesn't see what you or I see. She sees weakness. She sees pain. She sees ugliness. She sees the scars that have been left behind. She thinks to herself, there is no beauty in scars or pain, just ugliness.  The words that truly describe her, haunt her. This is how she starts each and every day.

She thinks back, because it is always there, and remembers how she became this way. She was a little girl. This man had picked her for a special task. That was the day she became ugly. That was the day she learned just how cruel the world could really be. That was the day she learned that any previous nightmare she had dreamt before, was nothing compared to what was happening to her when she was wide awake.

As time went on she tried to use her voice but no one could hear what she was trying to say. That's when the world grew cold for her.

Her mind buried the traumatic repeated offenses and the nightmare eventually stopped.

As she grew into adulthood, she never felt normal. She saw things differently. She felt things differently. She held in her ugliness and pain. She wore a mask of strength.

She believed herself to be a victim. She lived her life as one.

One day she looked in the mirror and accepted that she was in fact a victim, when she was a child. She is an adult now. She asked herself why was she allowing this horrific event in her past to continue to make her live as a victim? She realized, in that moment, that she was no longer a victim.

She decided that no matter how much pain, how much fear and ugliness there was in her life, she would never allow it to take who she is away from her ever again.  She truly let it all go. Words would never hurt her again.

She is different. She will never be normal nor does she care to be. In that quiet moment alone, she looked in the mirror but this time she saw who she truly is, now and then.

She is a WARRIOR.

That is what makes her beautiful, scars and all.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~