Sunday, April 3, 2016

A single drop of rain....

Negative Emotions. Anger. Malice. Cruel Intentions. Injustice. Competitiveness. Jealousy. Some people take joy in these emotions. They live for them. Some are even unhappy unless they can make you miserable. I think it is because they are jealous of what you have and they do not. Yes, it's that simple.

Whatever their motivation is, they do take joy in destroying you, until all of your joy is gone and you are just as miserable as them.

They are like a single drop of rain. A single drop of rain is the start of a river, which can turn into a pond and then a lake. The momentum of a single drop of rain, gathered with other drops, will no longer be a single drop of rain, but change into collective drops of rain.

A single thought can turn into an action. An action has momentum.  Momentum expands the thought triggering a reaction to the initial thought.

Someone wronged you.  You want justice for yourself. You like causing a negative wave throughout the universe. What is the effect of that? A thought of malice intent. A thought of Anger has a negative impact. Spread a false truth or Gossip, and you can destroy a reputation of a decent human being.  People tend to believe in the negative rather than the good. Especially, if someone knows how to work the crowd.

Control. Some people like to control everything and everyone in their lives. Maybe they do not like the fact that they cannot control what is going on in their lives or what has happened to them previously, that hurt them deeply. They haven't let go of the fact that bad things happen to good people. Wrongs are made with no reason sometimes.  Just the simple fact, someone chooses to be mean because someone treated them badly.

I could give, sadly, quite a few examples of bad behavior, but you guys know. It is a cycle. I do not think that people think about how far it really goes. How much damage it does cause. How many realities it does affect.

Living with believing that the world has done you wrong and treating everyone you meet the same way, continues the cycle.  The rain drops will gather deep enough until that is what you truly believe. You will attract other drops of rain with the same way of thinking. You will have killed the dreams of hope. Hope that could grow inside you allowing you to be so much more. Always believing in the negative, will only have you living in the negative, attracting more negative, and changing the positives in your life to negatives.

Breaking the cycle is not an easy thing to do. How do you shield yourself from the damage? How do you stay positive in a negative environment? If it involves physical abuse, tell someone. I know your scared to do so, but it will only get better for you. Someone has to stand for you. If there is no one than you need to stand for yourself. Scared or not. You matter. No matter what anyone tells you. You do.

How do you break the cycle when the person doesn't see what they are doing to you. Unfortunately, people can get so blinded by their own anger, they can't see any other way, so they believe you have the problem, not them.

You have to make peace with your situation and realize that they do not know any better. They didn't know that they could stand for themselves when nobody else would. DO NOT ALLOW THE CURRENT SITUATION YOUR IN DETERMINE WHO YOU BECOME. It is but a single moment in time. Not forever.  A single drop of rain. Remember that.

The world is not surprised by acts of cruelty, rather by random acts of kindness. Think about that.

Drops of rain fall from the sky, with darkening clouds and thunderstorms.  This can make for a dreary day. The same can be said for anger and cruelty. It can make for a dreary life.

Remember that after the rain stops, the clouds move away, and the sun shines through, there is a Rainbow. It is to remind us that even in our darkest times, there is a way out. A way to break the cycle. A choice to be made.

What kind of rain will you spread?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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