Tuesday, April 12, 2016

It's Fate's plan anyways....

Fate-a prophetic declaration of what must be, that which is inevitably predetermined; destiny.

I believe that Fate will bring situations to you. The choice of what's to be done however, is up to you. Get it right and it will be your destiny. Get it wrong and will keep coming back in different ways until you do get it right and it will be your destiny once again.  I see Fate being the vehicle that challenges you to your path of destiny. There may be different routes or different lessons that need to be learned, but ultimately you will arrive at where you are meant to be, always.

Sounds simple enough, right? Nope. It isn't. We are given free will to make our own choices in life. Those choices have reactions. Those reactions will determine when you end up where you were meant to be.  I believe this applies to all aspects of life. Career, love, family, or place to live is all predetermined. How and how long it takes you to get there, is up to you.

Are you doing what you are meant to do? What your passionate about? I think that if your not, than there will be certain ways that you will be doing what it is your meant to do. The choice not to follow our passion when it comes to a career choice, could be financial reasons. Fear of starting over or not really believing that you can make a career doing what it is that you are passionate about. I don't think you will have that inner peace in your career unless you are doing what it is that you are meant to do.  It is like doing what you know in your bones that it is wrong or it is right and that brings about such turmoil or blessings of peace.

Ok ,so what happens when you are doing what you are passionate about and it is not what you imagined? What if there are daily struggles? Changes that make you sad? What if what you thought was right for you, because it is what you are passionate about, isn't good for you anymore? What if your time is done there? Perhaps you have made an impact or learned what it was you needed too, and now it is time to move on. Coming to that conclusion can be hard emotionally. It can feel so right to be there but, then again, you already know it is time to move on. However long it takes you to get to that point of acceptance, is when one door closes and others open.  That is Fate working. You also get "a peace of it all" in your bones, telling you it is right to move on. Trust yourself what you already know. You will end up where you are supposed to be. If not, accept that your time is done, knowledge is gained and is never a waste of time. Growth does not happen by being placed into a situation that you believe it to be but happens with the unexpected. Remember that!!!

Same goes with Love. Regardless if it is a friendship or romantic. When two people are meant to cross paths, they will. Again, depending on what choices you make, determine when and for how long. Ever meet someone and you have the ease of comfort with them like no other? Do they become an instant close person in your life? Maybe they are a lifelong friend or spouse. What happens when you know in your heart you have to end it? Nothing hurts worse than being in love and knowing it cannot continue due to circumstances out of your control. You think, how can this possibly be happening? They are my everything or they get me like no other. How can I possibly walk away from this? Knowing it is time to move on is the first step. Just because you feel a certain way for someone, doesn't make it the right time to be with that person. Maybe in time you will be again and maybe it is the end. You can feel like this is the one but what if they don't? There are choices that have been made that have affected the relationship that you can no longer accept. Fate brought you two together.  The choices you both make can either keep you together or separate you. How long you end up being in each others lives is up to both of you. What if the two of you where brought together to be taught a lesson? Sometimes we do find the right person and we let them go. Circumstances, timing and so many other factors fall into play. Believe that what will be, will be, but be sure the choices you make bring you that peace in your bones before you let them go. Believing that love conquers all, is not something that I believe in. Things change, people become selfish and love can hurt like hell sometimes. People do not always see what is in front of them just because you do.

Nothing is more difficult than being in a situation, personal or business, and not being at peace with it deep down to the bone. The discomfort of pain is a minor consequence when it takes you to the right path in the end. Choosing the right thing to do, is not always easy, but if it doesn't bring you peace than it is not the right thing.

Fate will bring it to you. You are in control of how you arrive at your destiny. The choice has always been yours.

Fate will intervene to teach us lessons that we need and the people we need to help us with them.

Our free will allows us to determine how long they stay in our lives.

Remember we are human and we do screw things up, fate doesn't care about that though, the lesson will still be learned and the love will remain, it was, all along, Fate's plan anyways.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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