Monday, April 11, 2016

You Go Girl!!!

Women Pose For 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit Models & The Results Are Super Empowering!!!!

The first time in it's 52 year history, Sports Illustrated used a Plus size Model for the cover of it's Swim Suit Edition this year. I say Kudos to them!!! They also have other plus sized models in the issue itself.

Image is everything in today's society. Having them use a plus size model is wonderful.  They are sending a huge message to everyone. I think it is long overdue and much needed in today's world.

Now maybe we can get them to realize that Being between sizes 8-14 is not Plus Size!!!! Those sizes should be considered average.

For this "Average" Woman, I will take this as a step in the right direction and have hope in our future becoming more realistic for our daughter's.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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