Friday, April 15, 2016

There is YOU....

You are AMAZING!! You are ENOUGH!! You are BRILLIANT!! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

You are YOU!!

There is not another human, on this entire planet, that can be you!!

You should not care what anyone has to say to that.

Life can be difficult at times.

Your circle will strengthen or weaken during difficult times.

You will learn, without a doubt, who say's they have your back and means it.

You may feel that you are the square trying to fit in the circle. Stop doing that at once!! You are unique and not in a weird way either.

The problem with trying to fit in is that you no longer stay unique. You become just like them. This world has too many "of them". The world needs uniqueness. It's refreshing and exciting. Period. Don't believe me? Why is it then when something out of the ordinary happens it makes it a more memorable day? 

When life is good, it's good. What you bring to the table, nobody else can. People are often drawn to people that are different. You make life unique.

Sometimes certain situations need to be handled by you, and by you alone. Support is great but will only carry you so far through it. It is good to know who is willing to stand by your side during the dark times. It is also good to know that support is, just that, support. It doesn't mean they carry you through it til the end. They will provide you comfort, strength and if your lucky, humor. You have to do the hard work. The friends worth having, will be there for you.  The rest, well now you know the difference between a friend and a friend that has your back.

Point is, You will still be YOU.

The Eagle is not afraid to fly alone, and neither should YOU!!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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