Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I love the Minions!! I watched the Minions prequel movie last night. This led me to a thought for this blog.

In the beginning of the movie, the Minions are searching for someone to work for. They try several things and still felt something was missing from their life. They continued searching until they thought the void was filled.  For the Minions, it was having an evil master. Soon after though, they realized she wasn't the one. At the end of the movie they accidentally run into Gru, and they just knew he was the evil master for them.

Some people can spend an entire lifetime searching for where they belong. Making stops along the way and sometimes, falling down. They either get comfortable where they end up and stop the search or they brush themselves off get up again.

What I love about the Minions is they are always happy. They get knocked down and get right back up again.  (I know they are not real, someone wrote the movie) They continue their search.

Humans tend to over think things and not listen to that little voice inside us telling us what we already know. Sometimes we just want confirmation from someone who will be honest with us. I believe that most of us already know what we are searching for. What it means to us. Where to find help getting back up after the fall.

Be like a Minion and never give up searching for where you belong. Take each moment as it comes. Do not be too sad for long and get back up when your down.

Remember to enjoy the journey. Each moment is bringing you a step closer to where you belong.

When you get to your place, there will be no doubts that this is where you belong.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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