Monday, April 4, 2016

What A Shame...

As I was listening to this song, I thought how true it is. We sometimes will rush to judge a situation or person, based on only what we see, without getting all the facts first.

I have four kids and I know them all, rather well. Sometimes I will blame one child for doing something that another child actually did. I'm not perfect and apologize when I am wrong. It is a reminder to me that even when you think you know someone, think you know what they are capable of, no matter how well you do know them, they will surprise you.

Some people are an open book. While others are not. Regardless how well you believe you know someone, you will never truly know what they are capable of doing. You may think that you do, but you don't.

One simple reason is, they may not even know how they will react until they are in that situation themselves.

Certain occurrences will bring out different emotions. Flight or fight? No matter how well you have been trained to react a certain way, you may react differently once in a live scenario. People will hear stories of how a woman will stay in an abusive relationship. Thinking if it were me I would leave. But would you? Kids and money also play a roll. Self-esteem and believing that you deserve better are easier said than done. If someone is constantly putting you down, you will end up believing that you are a screw up and deserve the punishment you get. What about a place to go? Kids are in school. As a mom, you try to do best for them. What if you think you are giving them the best?

What if people think your not too bright? Just because it takes you longer to learn something, does that make you unintelligent?

What if you dislike spending money on clothes? Does that make you poor or have bad taste?

It is a shame how quick we are to judge a situation before we actually try to gain understanding of what is really going on in someones life.

Spend time seeking to understand before you judge someones behavior. We are unique and react differently to everything.

I once said, "I would never do that." Then one day I did. Taught me a lesson. Never ever judge. You, yourself, do not know what you are capable of until you are actually  doing it.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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