Thursday, April 21, 2016

Why do we need a bathroom law?

This is my opinion. No I don't care if you don't like it. I am entitled to my opinion as you are.

I know this is a volatile topic. The Bathroom Law.  What brought this up was tonight's dinner conversation with my kids. My 17yr old asked what is the big deal. His girlfriend was over also. His stance was no big deal. This is the opinion of many young adults towards this topic.  What's the big deal.

This is a big deal!!

Common sense is not prevailing here.

It is not just about transgenders using the bathroom of their choice.

Sick people live in this world.

Those people will take advantage of the situation.

The governments goal is to divide Americans not bring them together.

I get you are in transition or whatever it is, but the reality is, that this is not just about you. Also, suck it up buttercup, life is not fair. There are more pressing issues at hand, than you using a bathroom that you do not have parts for. We, as society, have given in to unrealistic demands somewhere over the years.

There are homeless, hungry, poor, abused and so much more depravity that is going on to our children in this country that seriously need our attention.

Our armed forces, fought and continue to fight for our freedoms in this country that needed to be fought for.

Do we really need to fight for this? Is it really worth putting our kids at risk?


Until next time,
~It is what it is~


  1. I couldn't agree more with you Jackie. It's ridiculous how the focus of the more pressing issues have been placed at the back burner because little Tommy identifies with being female and wants to use the women's restroom. OMG! Do people not see an issue with that?! REALLY NOW?! We have young ladies, someone's daughter, using that bathroom. In today's society there are so many perverts and crazies out there taking advantage of every situation possible. Now we add this to their crazy behind list. It's almost like sending an invitation for even young men to potentially get molested, raped, or God forbid something worse. Let's get our priorities straight AMERICA!

  2. Absolutely agree with uou Jackie, I live in NC and the Gov. put this in law and there was a big protest in Wilmington,NC with those thst felt that the "bathroom law" was unfair and all should be able to use the bathroom of their "chosen" gender. Many stood outside on one corner with signs and chants with the press and tv news taking pictures! Just opposite the corner was just One man, a father holding up one sign, to tell others how he feels about his need to protect his own daughter from those using the bathroom without the same body parts as she, how dangerous it can be. The biggest problem of this demonstration was, this man was All Alone! What the hell is wrong with this? No one was big enough to stand up with this man? Were they afraid of all those across the corner? I found this news report so offensive!! They gave this father just 30sec to give his opinion but gave 5min of news time to those wanting to share our bathrooms with our children. What ever happened to our children's protection? This has gone out of control!! Our Governor is right!! Let's get All of Our Children's Rights Protected from Any chance of abuse or learning about transgender. Ty Jackie for opening up this important discussion.

    1. It issuch a complex topic because of how it was handled. I'm not a proud American right now.
