Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Silver Lining is You!

Regardless of what happens, you still need to be you. That's right, even when bad things happen.

This world can be so harsh and cruel sometimes, that you just want to give up. You may feel that you are not making a difference, odd man out, nobody seems to care or not even hear what you have to say. As frustrating as it can be, don't stop being you. The you, that you know, in your gut rings true.

Friends, family, and lovers, break our hearts and trust constantly.  So what's the point then? Why share ourselves? Why always give the best of you, only to be hurt in the end?

Why become bitter? Heartless? Why become just like them?

The world needs people like you, to balance out life.

The Ugly   Someone you hold close in your heart dies. Children dying way too young. Cancer/Disease eating away at you inch by inch til your nothing. Accidental death. Murder's and many, many, unspeakable truths that happen to people daily. If you watch the news, you know how horrid the world can be. When it happens to you personally, it takes something away from you. Being violated in any form. Any act of violence destroys you in the deepest way possible. Losing a loved one is heartbreaking. When it is unexpected, it becomes excruciatingly painful.  Sometimes there is no reason, no answers, just pain. It would be easy to allow ourselves to sink into the darkness and stay there, the pain seems that unbearable.

The Bad Broken trust. Being used. No self-worth. Having Anxiety. Humiliation. No inner peace. Giving up and just going with the flow, even when it makes you unhappy. It is bad when you allow the hurts and disappointments of life to change you into someone you're not meant to be. Sometimes we are so hurt, that we do not believe that we deserve better. In thinking that we do not deserve better, we succumb to life's trials. When someone or something good comes along we find a way to sabotage it, subconsciously or not. Feeling that we are never good enough or deserving of anything good, takes the good out of you.

The Good  Overcoming the trials of life. Getting stronger and wiser each time. Life experiences mold us into who we are or who we choose to become. We are able to help others through their trials. How better can we help each other than to lend a listening ear? Compassion? Empathy? Doesn't the world need more of that? It is not always about us, nor should it be. If we can not help one another in a time of need, than the bad and the ugly overcome us. We need to turn these experiences into positives. Some of us need to have that person who gets us through it. You could be that person for someone.

The Silver Lining. There are lessons in all things. Free will allows us to make choices in life. We may be the one who makes the choice or the receiver of the choice that has been made for us. Either way, these things will happen to us. We each have a story to tell and it's the best way we have in cheering others to continue on.

We need the cheerleaders in life.  It is because of them we are able to become the Good, survive The Bad and The Ugly. So, Thank You and keep doing what you do, the World needs you!!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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