Sunday, January 1, 2017

Let's be real........

So what is it about the New Year that makes people want to make a resolution? Commit themselves to change. A time to publicly claim their profound new way of living.

A time to make a commitment that otherwise could not happen. Your more likely to stick to something when other people know about it.

It is out of control. Yes I said it. I have been there, once or twice, so I get it. A couple of times I have vowed myself to a resolution, successfully and not so successfully.

I realized, a while ago, that we are not in control of our futures. We can try to be, but we are not.

Get healthy, quit smoking, be more organized, and whateva it is that you are resolving to do. Just do it for you. Only you. At a time that works for you and only you. If it's January 1st, so be it.

BUT, do not follow the crowd or make a resolution just because it is a new year.

Instead try getting more in tune with who you are.

Follow what brings you joy.

What makes you excited to get up each day. Regardless of what the day brings you.

Continue to connect to what you feel a connection too.  It is a connection for a reason.

Embrace you.

Mark your own path. Answer to your own self. Make a promise to yourself and just do it.

But most of all:

Be true to who you are. Fat, thin, healthy, unhealthy, sarcastic, nice, rich, or poor.

The world needs more real. Real works, resolution or not, it just does.

Nothing, and I mean Nothing, is more courageous or beautiful, than being real.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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