Saturday, January 14, 2017

I miss you......

Who did you think of?


Why do you miss them so much?

When two people truly miss one another this much, what is the reason to be apart?

If its fixable, why aren't you fixing it?

Trouble letting go of what separated the two of you in the first place?

Ego, pride, stubbornness, and whatever else is keeping you from them, really worth it?

Life is way too short, not to forgive n forget.

How hard would it be to say:


I miss the fun we had.

The love we shared.

The laughter.

The way we used to talk to each other.

The adventures we went on.

I miss you being a part of my life.

I am sorry for my part in it going wrong between us.

I am asking for a clean slate.

I don't want to miss you anymore.

Stop making life more complicated than it should be.

So, what are you waiting for?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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