Tuesday, January 24, 2017

No, I won't back down....

I am me. Simple but complex some would say. I'm not worried either way.

I posted on my fb page my political view. I don't hide it. I don't go looking for opportunities to preach my cause. I just saw a pic and wrote how I felt.

Well, I have lost some friend's based on that post. I could say it just proves my point.

I do not care if your gay, straight, what your background  is, or whateva your stand is.

I have friends that are a little bit of everything. Each one provides me with a unique friendship. I love each of them,  for their uniqueness.  I am friends with people that wouldn't be friends with each other. It does not affect anyone, especially me.

I do not want to get into a debate over why I voted for trump and why you believe I shouldn't have.

Tolerant of differences. Means just that. Voting for Trump has not changed who I am.

I am accepting of who and what you believe in.

I will always be here for you. Always.

I can still love you and not agree with you.

I never cared who you were with. I still don't.

I do remember that time I helped you when your heart was broken.

I do remember when we laughed so hard, we couldn't talk for days without laughing all ova again.

I remember how you couldn't understand my "greyness" on life until you got me.

It saddens me that you thought so little of me and didn't really get me after all.

I have a lot of good qualities that more than make up for my bad ones.

I am who I am.

I won't back down from being me.

Until next time,

~It is what it is~


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