Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It might not be today........

Change doesn't happen overnight. It takes a goal, determination, consistency, letting go, time and help.

The Goal- A Realistic goal, takes the ability to step back and see yourself as others see you. Yes, when we look at ourselves, our view can be harsh or unrealistic. The truth needs to be seen before you can do anything.  Now that you can see yourself, honestly, admit your flaws, can this goal be achieved? Do you have the ability to achieve it?

The Determination- It is going to be hard. You have to be willing to do this. If you doubt it or doubt that you can see it through, It. Will. Not. Be. Real. Your opinion matters here. Believe you got this, and you will. You need to believe in yourself

The Consistency- Change takes practice. Each and every time. Do not be unforgiving when you slip or fail. Once you got it, the consistency will not be an issue. The key here, forgive yourself for screw-ups. Nobody is perfect. Nobody. Remember this is real life. You are the show and there was no prior rehearsal.

The Letting Go- It is extremely difficult to let go of an image that, you believed, to be the truth for you. Letting it all go, seems insane. Try, each moment, to let it go. Again, forgive yourself when you can't seem to let it go in each moment. Letting go also means, that you are resigned to the outcome, whatever it may be. No matter how scary or impossible it can seem, let it go. It will be, how it is meant to be. Trust and believe in that.

The Time-  Time will always seem to be flying by too fast, when we want something badly.  It may even feel like an eternity waiting for it to happen. We also tend to think we have enough time to do it later. No we don't. One minute your planning your life out when your young and in what seems like a blink of any eye, you are preparing for the end of life. We make the time for what we want. Period.

The Help- It is okay to say, "I am not strong enough today, I need some help." Do not let pride get in the way of change. Sometimes just knowing that you have support will be enough to get you through. Having someone who will tell it as it is, will also give you the boost you need to see it through. It is not a sign of weakness, rather a sign of strength, to admit that you need some help along the way.

I believe in you. I know you can do this.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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