Thursday, January 26, 2017

I wouldn't be me without you.....

Maybe it's the lack of sleep or being up so early, but this song was playing on the radio, on my way to work this dark, rainy morning.

It got me thinking and put me in a grateful mood.

My kids. They are the center of my world. I take the responsibility of being their mom seriously. I neva imagined they could bring me such joy and fill me with a love so grand.

It made me think how fortunate I truly am. How my life would be so vastly different without them in it.

I started thinking about, how it just isn't my kids that have changed my life. There are certain people that have impacted my life and changed it for the better. I am certain my life would of taken a different direction completely. I am a better person for knowing them.

Who do you think of when you hear this song?

How have they changed your life?

Until next time,
~ It is what what it is~

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