Sunday, December 25, 2016

Love me some Cadbury Chocolates!!!!!

It truly is the simple and purest gifts that make me feel loved!! Not just this time of year, anytime.

I love to be the giver and know that it's never about the price tag!

We all love it when someone remembers a comment you made at an earlier time about an item you would love to have. A favorite candy or a favorite perfume that we are surprised with. That they remembered that small detail about you, is a statement in  itself.

A gift can be a phone call made, text, social media post, or e-mail sent. Hearing from someone, means that they thought of you. Words given freely, are probably the most intimate personal gift one can give.

I received gifts from my kids and nieces & nephews, they were very thoughtful. It is a prideful thing to receive a gift from someone you will always see as a child and who earned their own money to purchase it, wrap it and be the giver of said gift.

I also received a gift, that I have worked very, very hard for. I can't think of a better time to receive it than when it was given, Christmas Eve.

I always give 2 gifts that my kids receive each and every year, and will do until I can no longer give. A book and a board/card game. A book to grow their imagination and mind. An old fashioned game to bring them together.

I also received this bag of candy from one of my son's, girlfriend. I love, love, love the Cadbury Chocolates they sell at Easter time. She saw this and immediately thought of me.

Isn't that the purpose of gift giving in the first place? A gift that shows you are in fact cared for. That's something you can't put a price tag on.

Wishing all of you a most thoughtful Holiday!!!

Merry Christmas,

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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