Friday, January 27, 2017

I almost made it through the Looking Glass.......

I saw this picture, my first thought was:

"I almost made it through but I am still trapped within myself."

Have you ever felt this way? I have and sometimes still do.  

The more I looked at this picture, the more I saw.

The sand states, that no matter how hard you try to let go, you cannot become the person that you are meant to be.  Each time that you start to let go, you see a barren land. The lush green promised land with it's white fluffy clouds, that you so desperately want to be a part of, is still so very far away. You will have to climb that mountain. It is, an impossible task. You ask yourself, why even try?  Then you give up. Leaving yourself stuck between two worlds. A place, that you have become, all too familiar with.

I noticed that you have landed in the barren spot on the sand. You placed the white fluffy clouds, behind you and out of reach. Leaving you to be scorched by the sun and heat. You are used to being burned though aren't you?

The Looking Glass, that you are trying to escape from, is it own paradox. It is a place that you are most comfortable with, yet it traps you and keeps you safe at the same time.

I like how you took the time to prepare yourself for this journey. Applied make-up, wearing a nice blouse, and getting your nails painted. You expect it to be a fight and have prepared yourself to be able to defend or claw yourself out of the looking glass. Nice touch with the razor sharp nails btw.

I have to ask myself if you were in fact dressing for a performance? A costume to make you feel "normal." A small act to convince yourself, you are, in fact, worthy.  

Am I to presume that you are left for dead? That you are unable to make the rest of the journey?

No. I think you like the paradox of the Looking Glass. It keeps you safe. A mirror will only show you how ugly you truly feel. How, by choosing the white blouse, it screams innocence of my own paradox for you know no other way.  That the white fluffy clouds are against a bright blue, sun filled sky, that screams Happiness!!

No, the Looking Glass is keeping you from a life you deserve.

It cannot possibly show you the reality of the life the promise land will give you. 

A life of utter happiness. 

It scares you to leave the Looking Glass.

But then, that is the purpose of The Looking Glass, isn't it?

Until Next Time,

~It is what it is~

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