Friday, January 13, 2017

Do your socks match? Too Bad.....

Life is wicked short.

Fear will only keep you from enjoying and experiencing life.

We all have a past, made mistakes, will continue to make them and grow. 

This is life.

Who really cares what you look like while living life?

The important thing is to feel good in your own skin.

Worry less what other's think about you.

They will, think it, regardless how it makes you feel.

Remember when you were a kid and started dressing yourself?

How many times did you actually match your outfit? 

Did it stop you from having fun or doing what you wanted?

Kids. Get. Life. 

They live in the moment and do what feels right, in the moment.

It's adults who can over think and take the fun out of life.

I am just reminding you, to forget to match your socks once in a while......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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