Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I'm going to March without my Vagina.......

I am bringing Common Sense instead.

Yes, I am going there. Haters you have the right to hate.

The Vagina defines a woman, as being a woman. Just as a penis defines a man.

I have been bombarded with many questions recently.  This is why I believe women have vagina's and men have penis'.  The reasoning of creating male and females, was for procreation of humans. The bonus being pleasure with bearing pain for childbirth. Let's face it, it hurts giving birth. Hopefully, you understand how this is done

The Vagina and Penis are to be used solely by the owner as they wish. The owners are the ones who give sole permission to others of its use. Period!

The recent Women's March was an embarrassing moment in history for all women.

The president elect made a derogatory statement to all women. Allegations of misconduct followed.

This created the recent women's march. Women spoke/picketed/marched against him. Some wearing vagina's and using the word pussy, to get their point across.

Proud yet?

So, in Trump's comment, he used the word pussy in a derogatory way. Then some women spoke and held signs using the word pussy. Common sense tells me it was still being used in a derogatory way.

I'm confused as to why so many women supported this March? What was your goal here?  Dressing as vagina's and using the word pussy, you took women back 100 years. We are more than our genitals. We have hearts and brains. You tried to use the Vagina as an off limit thing but wore it proudly claiming you are more than a pussy?

Proud yet?

I'm wondering why your not Marching at the courthouse when there is a rape/molestation trial, wearing the Vagina costume?

I'm wondering why The Vagina Costume is not used to picket prisons, when prisoners arrive after being found guilty of such a crime?


Anyways, common sense tells me it would not convey the sincerity of my viewpoint, while wearing the Vagina costume.

Common sense tells me to use my brains to get people to understand that the vagina is not to be used in a derogatory way. Ever.

But hey, that's just my brain, using common sense.....

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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