Thursday, February 9, 2017

It was in fact my FATE.....

Part of being who we are, is learning how to navigate the life we are given. Making choices, or having choices made for us, that may take us to a place we hadn't imagined we could go. Let alone stay there indefinitely.

When we go through something traumatic, we go on auto-pilot and become a different person completely. Forgetting who we truly are.

If you do not stand up and fight, you will lose yourself forever.

There comes a moment when you have to make a choice. This current you is not working anymore. More importantly, the real you is struggling to be free. It wants to live and be happy again. It is why you are torn inside. It is the voice you are trying to suffocate. Running away will only satisfy the scared you for a short time.

What do you really have to lose here?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a quiet mind? To survive the day without rethinking each and every thought you have? The anger will be gone. The short fuse. The numbness. Wouldn't it be nice to finally be free to feel again without being terrified at the same time? What about love? Wouldn't it be nice to fall in love and believe you are good enough to be loved?

Embarrassment. Foolishness. Risks. Lies. Depravity. Utter Darkness. Lost. Used.
Pain. Shame. Fear.

Are just words you are using as an excuse to convince yourself you are not worth it. The real reason you don't want to let go, is because, you don't know how to live any other way.

That is simply not true.

We learn how to lie to ourselves to justify who we have become.

Read that sentence again.

Now deny it. You can't, can you?

I am telling you what I know. I have been through things no human should of had to suffer through, but I did.

All of it, made me who I am today. I decided to let go. I decided to no longer live in a prison that I built. I decided I was worth fighting for.

Now it's your turn.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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