Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Honesty has a price

Truth. A simple enough word. Carries a lot of weight. Can build you up, just as fast as it can tear you down. People swear by it, deny it, use it to their advantage, and will use it against you in a heartbeat.

What happens when someone asks you to give it to them straight? Do you risk telling them what your not sure they are ready to handle? Do you tell them in hopes that they can handle it?

Being genuine, real and giving it your all to help someone is the way everyone should be. Telling the truth will only help you keep it real. Trying to find the right words is the hardest part.  You want to be able to deliver the truth but in a way that they can handle hearing it. Timing is another important factor. We can't always be in the right moment or space. Our own personal feelings need to be put aside. This isn't about you, it's about them. Hopefully they will be able to HEAR what it is you are saying. That is not always the case.  They can be grateful for you telling them what they needed to hear.  It can be a life changing moment. It can also be the end of your relationship.  Even though people say they want to hear the truth, sometimes they can't handle it.

What if the truth is way to much to handle? Vulnerability. Nakedness.  Emotions. The rawness of what the truth brings can cause us to lie out of protection.  Not saying what our emotions are telling us, is a lie. Why is it so difficult then? We tend to complicate things by lying, when in fact just saying what we need to in that moment of time would be the simplest thing we could possibly do. Once the lie is told a new story will unfold.

This may seem simple.  Unfortunately, in today's society, it is not. If your like me, you are constantly amazed at how people will use lying and manipulation to get what they want.  They also believe that this has immense value and power.

There is a problem with that way of thinking. Emotional honesty doesn't come at a cost.  It is priceless. That, alone, has immense value and true power.

Until next time,
It is what it is

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