Saturday, March 19, 2016

I acknowlege that Pepsi & Coke can not be sold in the same restaurant!!

A few thoughts have been floating around for my next post. I couldn't decide which one to go with next. I am usually struck with a specific thought, in the moment, and go with it. They are not pre-thoughts to the degree of having it planned out in my head before hand.  It always has been a word or phrase that will be stuck in my mind and in the moment. I saw this picture and just instantly knew which one to go with.

(Side note, yeah this is pretty much how my mind works, from the most unlikely places I will find inspiration, insane idea, or an adventure. I know this makes me unique, different, most definitely one of a kind and just me. I am sure some of my friends are like, seriously? You got this from that? Ok, have another margarita!! But I do keep their lives interesting!!)

Acknowledgement in the fact of the society we live in influences our life choices daily. Subconiously or not, it does.

We can try to say that we make our own choices and decisions but what are our influences?

Media, for one, is a huge influence. We are literally having to choose what news channel to believe in. Which newspaper will give us the complete story, with the most truth in it, if any at all. Insanely sad.

Television ads are out of control. Do we actually need an add for toilet paper? Seriously? Think about that for a moment. We all need the product, that's a given, we will purchase it, another given, so why do we need an ad for it? I won't even get into pads, tampons and all the other personal products that are needlessly advertised. Do they think, hey let's spend millions of dollars on advertising a product constantly, like toilet paper, during a TV show, cause you know, the public will not know that there is a product made for this specific problem and they are too stupid to walk up n down an aisle at the store and think for themselves as to which product they need. For the record, I am not embarrassed by these commercials, I foster an open policy with my kids and much to their embarrassment, if asked what a product is used for, I will give them the truth. I seriously think they are a waste of money and my time. Yes, I use Netflix and Hulu Plus. Getting side tracked here, can you tell I am passionate about this topic?

Anyways, ads have an edge to them that brings out competition, morals, standards, and ethics.  They are not made just for introducing a new product anymore. They are sending out messages that do influence in a way they never did before. I get that, sometimes, they are trying to make light of a main issue that we are facing and that's not so bad. Sex sells. Modesty does not. Language gets the point across.

Problem is Pepsi and Coke can not be sold in the same restaurant. Why? They want you to believe that one product is better than the other and you are less of a human being if you do not like/ buy the "right" one. Instead of it being about, taste or preference, it's about which one is the right one. What started out as a harmful message, is now deemed which, in fact, product is better to be seen with. Pepsi drinkers are blah blah and Coke drinkers are blah blah. Well I do not want to be classified by what I prefer to drink. What used to be a comical rivalry is now, who is better?

Let's take one step further. Media shows us that it's you or me kind of world. Best of the Best for you.  Think about the destruction of the family unit. TV ad's and shows were family focused at one time. Some competition, but mainly regular family values and some still are. Hasbro with their family game night for example. Kids are already learning about the "food chain of survival" at school. Now when they watch TV or see and add, through many media sources, it is also projecting a self-centered want the best for me attitude. Their friends are in the same boat. Their friends that they go to for advice. Mom and dad can be stressed out by striving for better n better, that they are not always available to their kids. (another side affect these days) What is the message they are receiving? That everything that surrounds them, is telling them to be self-centered.

Friends are hard to make these days. It is hard to know who has an agenda and who doesn't. I am so sick of hearing the words, "That's on me" or "my bad" when someone does wrong. We can't even say the words, "I am Sorry" and take full responsibility for our actions. I can not tell you how many people will say to me, "I thought we were friends and I can't believe that they did this to me. Why? What did I do wrong?" How can we expect anyone growing up in today's environment to be a giving person, when the whole world is telling them to be selfish? Even when we are wronged, we are looking at ourselves for the reason.  How absurd is that?  Why are you looking at yourself for being treated badly and being nice in the first place? Again, Media has shown us, that being "good or nice" is not always what is best for us.

The news focus is on reporting the bad in the world. Given with their view and not the whole truth. I know that there are thousands and thousands of "good" stories that can be reported, but it won't get them high ratings, or stir up controversy. What does that say about our society? Think about that. Good news stories do not produce high ratings or divide the masses. WOW!!

I will continue to force my kids, and myself, to get as much time as possible away from the message of today's Media. It is a sad and difficult task, but I will continue to be the old fashioned voice of reason. It wasn't so bad playing outside until we were dirty and the street lights came on. TV shows were a form of entertainment. TV commercials were used to introduce a new product. Families had dinner together each night. We were taught to take care of each other and to be kind to our neighbors. That competition was healthy. We may have been criticized for our choices. They were our choices to make. Family was the center of the world.

The next time someone does me wrong, when and if they say, "My Bad" I think I will respond with, I acknowledge your "My Bad" because Pepsi and Coke can not be sold in the same restaurant.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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