Monday, March 14, 2016

The planted seed.....

We all have those moments that start from within and consume us with a sadness. We feel blue. The feeling will come on quick and pass just as quickly. Sometimes it lingers a bit longer and stays awhile.

I think we always know where it stems from, well at least 90% of the time. A pint of ice-cream and a tear jerker of a movie can be a great cure for the blues. A trip to the gym, gun range, or whatever your release is, will chase those blues away.

What happens when it lingers? Always lurking beneath the surface. Do we drown out that part of us or do we own it? By drowning it out, we are just keeping it inside of us where it can continually hurt and stifle us.

Denial can be a state of comfort. We can bury our true feelings so deep, we simply just forget about them until they seep through from time to time. Are we too proud to admit that we don't have it all together? That we hurt? That we feel? That we have been wounded so deeply that we just want to forget. This way of thinking allows us to keep a wall surrounding us, not only from others, but ourselves also.

You are not you. Not the who you should be. You can kid yourself into believing otherwise, but you know. It is there lying right beneath the surface waiting to be let out. Your story to be told.  It is just that, a chapter in your life.

What is keeping you from letting it go? We all have a story to be told. We have either been a victim, survivor, hero or protector, sometime in our lives. Moments are not always a pretty thing. They can leave a nasty scar behind. Some are so ugly, we do not even check to see how the scar healed or if it didn't at all.  Denying who you truly are is not the answer. Nobody wants to revisit pain. It is easier to pack it up and forget about it. Admitting that we made a mistake of who we are and denying that mistake, to keep appearances, is a pain that we can only keep buried for so long.

To think that it will not make a difference in our lives now, is denial. You can continually search for something but never truly find it. Yes, you can forget for a time, but it will not last long until the sadness slowly makes it way back. Sometimes it is nothing so sinister. It is a simple fact that we are not being true to who we are. In the wrong career, relationship, or living in the wrong place will have the same affect on us.

God, the universe, fate or destiny will have away of bringing you to a place that you will have to make a decision about you, until you are exactly where you are supposed to be. No amount of denial, changes you make, repression that you give, will change that. Seeds will continually be planted along the way.

It is up to you to decide if this is another seed for thought or the seed that causes the bloom within you.  Which will it be for you?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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