Saturday, March 5, 2016

Wipe the slate clean....


You read that right. Let it all go.  All of it. It can be done.

Everyone deserves a clean slate. Fresh start if you will. Not one person is perfect. Not. One. Be wise to remember that.

I, for one, can be so critical of myself. I always push myself to do better and get so disappointed when I don't achieve as much as I wanted to. I always think that I could of done it differently or better.  Have you done that? Accept that you have done what you needed to at the time. It is okay. Time to Let it go and try again. Do not let one defeat, or several, stop you if you know, with a passion, that this is what you are meant to do.

Someone recently reminded me that I have been working with them to LET IT ALL GO and yet I am not doing that. I am allowing myself to hold on to past hurts. Funny how we do that, isn't? We get afraid to be hurt again, so we hold on. To what though? The pain, so we don't forget the lesson learned? The memory, so we don't make the same mistake again? Yes we need to remember how we got hurt, but can not allow us to stop doing it all together. In reality, the damage has been done already. So what are we holding on to exactly? Time to Let it go!!

Forgiveness is letting it all go for that person or moment that you are willing to actually let it all go for. Sometimes it is rather difficult to forget what has been done, never mind forgiving them too. I believe it all depends on what your forgiving determines how hard or easy it will be to forgive. Was it intentional? Emotional? Frustration? Mean? Mistake? It really doesn't matter what was done. Holding on to anything will only destroy you, not them. We are human. Not perfect. Not all knowing. There is a fine line between love and hate. The important thing to do is to forgive for your well being.

So what happens when we decide to forgive? Can we honestly give a clean slate? Is there such a thing as one? A fresh start? Can this be done? I believe so.  Most of us are capable of unconditional love. That is the base. Think childlike. You broke my toy. I cry. You say your sorry. I forgive you. We let it go and continue playing. It is when we become adult like minded is when it gets complicated. You disappointed me. Your expectations where unreasonable. I didn't understand. I am sorry. I forgive you. We let it go and go on. Sometimes as, adults, we have to move on by letting go of each other. Knowing when it is time to do that is when you no longer find it easy to forgive.

Seek to understand. Put yourself in their shoes. Change your perspective. Try a new angle until you succeed. Look at fear and worries with both eyes wide open and take it head on. A broken heart is one that has loved passionately. Mistakes and failures only mean that you tried. Tears mean that you cared. Forgiveness means that you are willing.  Make moments. A life that was well lived and lived to the fullest.

The beauty of it all, is that Tomorrow, you get a Clean Slate once again. Forgive easily. Try again. Take each day as a Clean Slate. Those that are meant to be there by your side, will be. Not One, Not One, of us are perfect. Be wise to remember that.

Until next time,
It is what it is

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