Wednesday, March 16, 2016

it is TIME....

Do you have a significant other? A person whom you love unconditionally?

Do you love them without a doubt?
Do you commit yourself to them daily?
Do you forgive them easily?
Do you give them all that you have to give of yourself?
Do you make sure their needs and wants are met with the best of your ability?
Do you ensure their happiness daily?
Do you put them first?
Do you make sacrifices for them?
Do you want the best for them?
Do you give them help without them asking or willingly do so when they do ask?
Do you understand them more than they understand themselves?
When they are sad, are you willing to do what it takes to make them happy?
Do you enjoy their company?
Do they drive you crazy sometimes and your ok with it?
Do they bring you a sense of contentment?
Can you picture your life without them in it?
Would you drive 4 hours to spend 1 hour with them?
Would you travel 100 miles to purchase something of sentimental value for them?

If you answered yes, then your obviously in love with this person. I want you to look over the list of questions again. Really look at what your willing to do for someone you love with ease.

Now ask yourself this, do you love yourself the same way?

If you answered no, isn't time that you did?

Until next time
It is what it is

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