Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I'm going to March without my Vagina.......

I am bringing Common Sense instead.

Yes, I am going there. Haters you have the right to hate.

The Vagina defines a woman, as being a woman. Just as a penis defines a man.

I have been bombarded with many questions recently.  This is why I believe women have vagina's and men have penis'.  The reasoning of creating male and females, was for procreation of humans. The bonus being pleasure with bearing pain for childbirth. Let's face it, it hurts giving birth. Hopefully, you understand how this is done

The Vagina and Penis are to be used solely by the owner as they wish. The owners are the ones who give sole permission to others of its use. Period!

The recent Women's March was an embarrassing moment in history for all women.

The president elect made a derogatory statement to all women. Allegations of misconduct followed.

This created the recent women's march. Women spoke/picketed/marched against him. Some wearing vagina's and using the word pussy, to get their point across.

Proud yet?

So, in Trump's comment, he used the word pussy in a derogatory way. Then some women spoke and held signs using the word pussy. Common sense tells me it was still being used in a derogatory way.

I'm confused as to why so many women supported this March? What was your goal here?  Dressing as vagina's and using the word pussy, you took women back 100 years. We are more than our genitals. We have hearts and brains. You tried to use the Vagina as an off limit thing but wore it proudly claiming you are more than a pussy?

Proud yet?

I'm wondering why your not Marching at the courthouse when there is a rape/molestation trial, wearing the Vagina costume?

I'm wondering why The Vagina Costume is not used to picket prisons, when prisoners arrive after being found guilty of such a crime?


Anyways, common sense tells me it would not convey the sincerity of my viewpoint, while wearing the Vagina costume.

Common sense tells me to use my brains to get people to understand that the vagina is not to be used in a derogatory way. Ever.

But hey, that's just my brain, using common sense.....

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Friday, January 27, 2017

I almost made it through the Looking Glass.......

I saw this picture, my first thought was:

"I almost made it through but I am still trapped within myself."

Have you ever felt this way? I have and sometimes still do.  

The more I looked at this picture, the more I saw.

The sand states, that no matter how hard you try to let go, you cannot become the person that you are meant to be.  Each time that you start to let go, you see a barren land. The lush green promised land with it's white fluffy clouds, that you so desperately want to be a part of, is still so very far away. You will have to climb that mountain. It is, an impossible task. You ask yourself, why even try?  Then you give up. Leaving yourself stuck between two worlds. A place, that you have become, all too familiar with.

I noticed that you have landed in the barren spot on the sand. You placed the white fluffy clouds, behind you and out of reach. Leaving you to be scorched by the sun and heat. You are used to being burned though aren't you?

The Looking Glass, that you are trying to escape from, is it own paradox. It is a place that you are most comfortable with, yet it traps you and keeps you safe at the same time.

I like how you took the time to prepare yourself for this journey. Applied make-up, wearing a nice blouse, and getting your nails painted. You expect it to be a fight and have prepared yourself to be able to defend or claw yourself out of the looking glass. Nice touch with the razor sharp nails btw.

I have to ask myself if you were in fact dressing for a performance? A costume to make you feel "normal." A small act to convince yourself, you are, in fact, worthy.  

Am I to presume that you are left for dead? That you are unable to make the rest of the journey?

No. I think you like the paradox of the Looking Glass. It keeps you safe. A mirror will only show you how ugly you truly feel. How, by choosing the white blouse, it screams innocence of my own paradox for you know no other way.  That the white fluffy clouds are against a bright blue, sun filled sky, that screams Happiness!!

No, the Looking Glass is keeping you from a life you deserve.

It cannot possibly show you the reality of the life the promise land will give you. 

A life of utter happiness. 

It scares you to leave the Looking Glass.

But then, that is the purpose of The Looking Glass, isn't it?

Until Next Time,

~It is what it is~

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I wouldn't be me without you.....

Maybe it's the lack of sleep or being up so early, but this song was playing on the radio, on my way to work this dark, rainy morning.

It got me thinking and put me in a grateful mood.

My kids. They are the center of my world. I take the responsibility of being their mom seriously. I neva imagined they could bring me such joy and fill me with a love so grand.

It made me think how fortunate I truly am. How my life would be so vastly different without them in it.

I started thinking about, how it just isn't my kids that have changed my life. There are certain people that have impacted my life and changed it for the better. I am certain my life would of taken a different direction completely. I am a better person for knowing them.

Who do you think of when you hear this song?

How have they changed your life?

Until next time,
~ It is what what it is~


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

No, I won't back down....

I am me. Simple but complex some would say. I'm not worried either way.

I posted on my fb page my political view. I don't hide it. I don't go looking for opportunities to preach my cause. I just saw a pic and wrote how I felt.

Well, I have lost some friend's based on that post. I could say it just proves my point.

I do not care if your gay, straight, what your background  is, or whateva your stand is.

I have friends that are a little bit of everything. Each one provides me with a unique friendship. I love each of them,  for their uniqueness.  I am friends with people that wouldn't be friends with each other. It does not affect anyone, especially me.

I do not want to get into a debate over why I voted for trump and why you believe I shouldn't have.

Tolerant of differences. Means just that. Voting for Trump has not changed who I am.

I am accepting of who and what you believe in.

I will always be here for you. Always.

I can still love you and not agree with you.

I never cared who you were with. I still don't.

I do remember that time I helped you when your heart was broken.

I do remember when we laughed so hard, we couldn't talk for days without laughing all ova again.

I remember how you couldn't understand my "greyness" on life until you got me.

It saddens me that you thought so little of me and didn't really get me after all.

I have a lot of good qualities that more than make up for my bad ones.

I am who I am.

I won't back down from being me.

Until next time,

~It is what it is~


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It might not be today........

Change doesn't happen overnight. It takes a goal, determination, consistency, letting go, time and help.

The Goal- A Realistic goal, takes the ability to step back and see yourself as others see you. Yes, when we look at ourselves, our view can be harsh or unrealistic. The truth needs to be seen before you can do anything.  Now that you can see yourself, honestly, admit your flaws, can this goal be achieved? Do you have the ability to achieve it?

The Determination- It is going to be hard. You have to be willing to do this. If you doubt it or doubt that you can see it through, It. Will. Not. Be. Real. Your opinion matters here. Believe you got this, and you will. You need to believe in yourself

The Consistency- Change takes practice. Each and every time. Do not be unforgiving when you slip or fail. Once you got it, the consistency will not be an issue. The key here, forgive yourself for screw-ups. Nobody is perfect. Nobody. Remember this is real life. You are the show and there was no prior rehearsal.

The Letting Go- It is extremely difficult to let go of an image that, you believed, to be the truth for you. Letting it all go, seems insane. Try, each moment, to let it go. Again, forgive yourself when you can't seem to let it go in each moment. Letting go also means, that you are resigned to the outcome, whatever it may be. No matter how scary or impossible it can seem, let it go. It will be, how it is meant to be. Trust and believe in that.

The Time-  Time will always seem to be flying by too fast, when we want something badly.  It may even feel like an eternity waiting for it to happen. We also tend to think we have enough time to do it later. No we don't. One minute your planning your life out when your young and in what seems like a blink of any eye, you are preparing for the end of life. We make the time for what we want. Period.

The Help- It is okay to say, "I am not strong enough today, I need some help." Do not let pride get in the way of change. Sometimes just knowing that you have support will be enough to get you through. Having someone who will tell it as it is, will also give you the boost you need to see it through. It is not a sign of weakness, rather a sign of strength, to admit that you need some help along the way.

I believe in you. I know you can do this.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Saturday, January 14, 2017

I miss you......

Who did you think of?


Why do you miss them so much?

When two people truly miss one another this much, what is the reason to be apart?

If its fixable, why aren't you fixing it?

Trouble letting go of what separated the two of you in the first place?

Ego, pride, stubbornness, and whatever else is keeping you from them, really worth it?

Life is way too short, not to forgive n forget.

How hard would it be to say:


I miss the fun we had.

The love we shared.

The laughter.

The way we used to talk to each other.

The adventures we went on.

I miss you being a part of my life.

I am sorry for my part in it going wrong between us.

I am asking for a clean slate.

I don't want to miss you anymore.

Stop making life more complicated than it should be.

So, what are you waiting for?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Friday, January 13, 2017

Do your socks match? Too Bad.....

Life is wicked short.

Fear will only keep you from enjoying and experiencing life.

We all have a past, made mistakes, will continue to make them and grow. 

This is life.

Who really cares what you look like while living life?

The important thing is to feel good in your own skin.

Worry less what other's think about you.

They will, think it, regardless how it makes you feel.

Remember when you were a kid and started dressing yourself?

How many times did you actually match your outfit? 

Did it stop you from having fun or doing what you wanted?

Kids. Get. Life. 

They live in the moment and do what feels right, in the moment.

It's adults who can over think and take the fun out of life.

I am just reminding you, to forget to match your socks once in a while......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Something to think about.........

Strong people get tired.

So. Very. Tired.

Who do they go to when they need a hug?

A kiss on the forehead?

Some reassurance that it will all be okay?

When they are alone and anxious?

Who will soothe their fears?

Who is going to lift their spirits when they have doubts?

When they need to feel loved?

You may never know what is going on with them.

They can carry a lot within themselves.

They are the go to people for all in their circle and then some. 

They give of themselves happily and with an ease that comes naturally for them. 

So much so, that nobody even thinks they need anything, from anyone, ever.

Just something to think about.........

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


Thursday, January 5, 2017

I don't even know where I am going......

"I want a love that can get me through another restless night
Stay, go, whatever I do, I just can't get it right
I just can't get it right"

The restlessness you feel, you already know what the answer is.  So I am asking you, How much longer will you continue doing this to yourself?

"I'm wrestling the angels
And the devils in my head"

It is within you that you will find what you are missing.  Until you are willing to open that door, that you have cemented shut, you will continue the path that you are on.

"I just want to drink it in
Driftin' into silence I feel a tightenin' in my chest
I'm reachin' out for something that I already missed"

Try all you want but nothing will dull the pain long enough. It always comes out.

"I left you without warning, no note beside the bed"

Stop running. You are worth it. Believe in you, as do others. There is nothing you could say or do that would make anyone who loves you see you any differently. NOTHING.

"I just can't get it right"

You need to forgive yourself. I am telling you to and it is the truth. We all have moments in our lives that we want to forget and run from until we can no longer run away.

"I pray you can forgive me"

You are already forgiven and know who to reach out to.  They are waiting for you.

It is time.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Let's be real........

So what is it about the New Year that makes people want to make a resolution? Commit themselves to change. A time to publicly claim their profound new way of living.

A time to make a commitment that otherwise could not happen. Your more likely to stick to something when other people know about it.

It is out of control. Yes I said it. I have been there, once or twice, so I get it. A couple of times I have vowed myself to a resolution, successfully and not so successfully.

I realized, a while ago, that we are not in control of our futures. We can try to be, but we are not.

Get healthy, quit smoking, be more organized, and whateva it is that you are resolving to do. Just do it for you. Only you. At a time that works for you and only you. If it's January 1st, so be it.

BUT, do not follow the crowd or make a resolution just because it is a new year.

Instead try getting more in tune with who you are.

Follow what brings you joy.

What makes you excited to get up each day. Regardless of what the day brings you.

Continue to connect to what you feel a connection too.  It is a connection for a reason.

Embrace you.

Mark your own path. Answer to your own self. Make a promise to yourself and just do it.

But most of all:

Be true to who you are. Fat, thin, healthy, unhealthy, sarcastic, nice, rich, or poor.

The world needs more real. Real works, resolution or not, it just does.

Nothing, and I mean Nothing, is more courageous or beautiful, than being real.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~
