Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hold back the River.....

Life is unique for each of us. We can meet someone, hit it off, and become besties.  Then we get side tracked with life.

Sometimes we can get so focused on our goals that we forget what is surrounding us. We can get into a routine and be so comfortable with that, we don't even realize that we are enclosing ourselves in solitude. Sort of just flowing with the river of life.

The friends that we used to spend so much time with and the things we enjoy doing, we no longer do.  Even spending less time with family.

Work, family, and just life responsibilities are time consuming, no doubt. So why is it that we stop texting, calling, and making that time for those people that we enjoy?

The life we are supposed to be building shouldn't exclude those things we enjoy and the people we enjoy doing them with.

The world today is getting so technology savvy but it is taking away the personal touches that our lives need. Interaction with the things that ground us, connect us to one another, and to a real life.

Exploring, feeling each moment, laughing, crying, talking, and bonding with those that meant so much to us before we forgot who we were, is what life is all about.

Not the cushy job, big house, and bigger bank accounts.  What is the point of having all of that, if we have people that we knew before and after?

Those stories that we tell of the days gone by, were once moments in our lives.

The good thing about friends, family and those we call family, they will always accept us back when we stray.

Just be sure that the ones you have left, are the right ones to leave behind.

Not everyone in your life is willing to hold back the river for you.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~


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