Thursday, November 17, 2016


It is hard being told no. No you are not the one for me. No you are not the one for this job. No, I don't want you to do that. No, that doesn't look good on you. No, I do make more than you. No, I know more than you. No, I do not like your idea. No, you're not the person for the job. No, you cannot do that. No, I am not willing to change my mind. Just No.

We are constantly being told no. Or it can seem like it. At work or personally,  it wears on you. What if I told you that being told no is actually good for you?

The word NO, is not a negative word. Sometimes it is not the end. It can mean a beginning. There are times when it is meant to challenge you. Yes. A challenge for you to take a new perspective. To learn why you're being told no. To learn something new about yourself and those around you.

Career wise or personally, it can mean you're not seeing the importance of something. Not seeing the bigger picture. Not giving it your all. Doing things not necessarily the wrong way but there can be a better way. A job you love, may not be the right job for you after all. To bring an end. Not everyone will love you for you. Not everyone will be willing to stay in your life. Not everyone has good intentions when they are in your life.

It is not always a challenge. No can mean the end. Some things are not meant to be for many reasons. No doesn't always mean a refection of you but the circumstances surrounding you instead.

NO, is a reality check. It can change the path you are on and place you on a better one.

So, Bring on the NO and look at it as a good thing!!!

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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